A Beautiful Example of a Virtual Tour. And A Conversion Tip
I just saw this snippet on Facebook from my friend (and a Virtual Results client) Doug Heddings:
It got my interested. I clicked through. And I watched this virtual tour (from IMAGEination) in its entirety.
[Note to Doug – I tried to embed the tour here, but couldn’t get the embed script to work]
The tour is obviously professionally produced. It includes a nice voiceover explaining the features the penthouse offers and offered amazing views of the entire unit. Doug got me there through the use of social media. But once he hooked me, from a conversion perspective (our specialty), I think Doug missed the mark. I spent a solid 2 minutes watching the video. That’s a rarity for me given my tendency to work with no fewer than 5 tabs open, and 2 windows on two separate monitors (and I know I’m not alone). Of course, I am not his target audience. Somehow, I think that property is out of my budget. But if I could afford that penthouse, I’d totally love to live there. That said, if that video did reach the right person — it should be painfully obvious how to contact the Heddings Property Group for more information.
During the viewing process, there were no conversion points anywhere in sight. Where is the phone number? Where is the email address? Where is the website URL for more information?
Now, let me end this by saying I consider Doug a friend. He’s someone I really really respect in this industry; he’s pushing the envelop with everything he does and is moving the NYC real estate market toward being a more friendly environment for consumers. And that’s a great thing. And I’m willing to bet, knowing Doug like I do, this critique is something he’s going to take to heart and improve upon.
Doug Heddings
Posted at 23:28h, 28 AprilYou are absolutely correct Drew and I will definitely add some conversion points to the next videos! Thanks for the wise constructive criticism…love it!
Posted at 23:32h, 28 AprilWell I guessed right. But knowing you I’m not surprised. Keep up the good work Doug – and let me know when you have those conversion tools in place 🙂
Ben Fisher
Posted at 15:44h, 29 AprilThat company does some great work! If they are not just local I may be in contact with them.
Ben Fisher
Posted at 15:44h, 29 AprilThat company does some great work! If they are not just local I may be in contact with them.
Ben Fisher
Posted at 15:44h, 29 AprilThat company does some great work! If they are not just local I may be in contact with them.
Chris Adams
Posted at 16:59h, 29 AprilCouldn’t agree more, I would drop the address and even the branding if it meant including a phone number and email address as a constant subtitle. Even better, overlay your video with a clickable element that allows the user to easily email you.
Chris Adams
Posted at 16:59h, 29 AprilCouldn’t agree more, I would drop the address and even the branding if it meant including a phone number and email address as a constant subtitle. Even better, overlay your video with a clickable element that allows the user to easily email you.
Posted at 03:06h, 30 AprilNow THAT is a virtual tour. Whoever produced it did a phenomenal job, I’ll definitely be using this as an example for my next high-end listing.
Virtual Tour
Posted at 03:14h, 09 AugustI love this, I was here last year and it was the best place on earth