MyBlogLog is now in the lifestreaming category with their most recent announcement! MBL previously announced their “new with me” feature, which is the main new feature they’ve added to member profile pages. “New with me” looks and acts similar to Facebook’s Newsfeed — it streams updates of your friends online activities inside your profile. All updates are pulled from public data available from the “services” such as Twitter and listed on your profile.


Sure, there could be privacy concerns, but this makes a lot of sense for MBL — and, of course, people can easily opt out of streaming their data from other services into MyBlogLog. From their blog

The MyBlogLog community is different from most because people join MyBlogLog in order to share. They want people to find out more about them and create rich profiles and surf around and leave their avatars behind because they want people to know they were there (another code name we kicked around was “kilroy” btw). We’re confident that most of you will want to have people look at your profile and see what you and your friends have been posting across the web.

There have been a host of companies starting up in the lifestreaming category, such as friendfeed (overview on PR 2.0), but MyBlogLog has a huge advantage (IMO) — a massive and active built-in user base already using their service. I’ve been a longtime fan of MyBlogLog and its ability to humanize blogging and I certainly think they are right that most bloggers will want others to be able to learn more about them via their public updates — after all, discovering other bloggers and their interests is at the core of what MyBlogLog is. There has been a slew of Yahoo! conversation (largely due to the Microsoft offer) & debate in the blogosphere over the past couple months — but, believe it or not, I think there is the potential for MyBlogLog to emerge as the hidden gem of Yahoo!. The service that ties all their properties together. The service that out “opens” Google. I guess only time will tell.

Congrats to the MyBlogLog team for getting this out the door. I have been, and will continue to be a huge MyBlogLog fan if they keep this up. Additionally, from my understanding, almost everything seen in member profiles is available via their new API. To the coders reading — there are bound to be numerous potential uses in the real estate space, so get your thinking caps on. If you have a great idea and don’t code it up, there’s a good chance someone else will 🙂