Christmas Fun, Housing Crisis and Real Estate — Why Realtors Can Never Get Bored with Our Work
I thought I was full of it.
It was a week before Christmas when everyone was preparing for the happiest season of the year, and here I was writing a scathing open letter to my home country’s President on why he should start preparing for a housing crisis.
Christmas is for giving and this was the gift that I wanted to give. Granted, no fancy wrapping can hide the inconvenient truth it told. ( And I also needed some fresh inbound links. Which, thankfully, arrived in droves. )
But what did I know about the Philippine’s housing market? When I moved here in the U.S more than a decade ago. But I had to take a chance. It wasn’t easy as I had to research on and off for a year. But it was worth it.
The letter, I am told, will be in the hands of one of the President’s most trusted allies in the Senate and hopefully passed to him soon.
It has also been my most popular article since I started blogging five years ago (total “humblebrag”, pardon me). I was blessed to hit two birds in one letter. And I learned something very important: the things that boil in us, things we are most passionate about, are often the best form of “marketing”.
People can tell if we are being two-face. And you’ll be surprised to know that our personality quirks are some of the best materials to use online.
As a young real estate agent I was always hesitant to give an answer to cocktail parties’ inevitable, irritating question: “What do you do?” Yeah. I sell houses. Just a notch below car salesmen. Bye. See you later.
To my surprise, 8 years later, real estate has been one of the most satisfying things I’ve done in my life. I have never had to drag myself to work. Well, except yesterday, when I had to take Chris-250k-to-500k-i-don’t-know-what-i-want-buyer for the umpteenth time.
Being in the front lines of the housing battle, I realized how terribly lucky I am to see & experience up close and personal this thing, this circus, this money-making, foreclosure-prone, euphoric, and depressing game we call Real Estate.
I was there when the market was hot, and I was there when the market turned into a North Atlantic, ice-filled ocean. And it is not a joke.
When a housing market breaks down, as you and I have experienced first-hand, the biggest casualty will not be stock markets or tumbling currencies, it will be the family. It is they that suffer the most because few will see the crisis coming.
Two years ago, I started seeing signs of a brewing asset bubble in my home country, Philippines. I knew I had to do something. But I was afraid this was going to be Econ 101 college class research all over again. It was, and more.
But I’m glad I finally finished it.
I wanted to start a dialogue, I didn’t expect blind acceptance. I think people can think and decide for themselves better than any article or 2-minute news segment or uncle/aunt opinion; it is our mere duty to supply the needed facts to help them make the best decision.
This is what came about: “An Open Letter to Philippine President Benigno Aquino III: Now is the time to prepare for a massive housing crisis in Asia.
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