2007, a bad year for OS upgrades?
As a nerd, I like to check out the end of the year lists that most companies put out. You can find thousands just by typing “Best of 2007” in Google and waste a couple of days getting feedback from everyone. One list I thought people should take a look at is straight from PCWorld, a rather reputable tech source.
They have put together a list of the 15 biggest tech disappointments for 2007 and I was quite surprised by some of the items listed. Both of the “revolutionary” OS upgrades, Vista and Leopard, were both not only on the list, but in the top ten (Leopard at #8 and Vista being the worst of them all). The fact that they were both on the list leads me to a couple of realizations. Some people have been speculating that PCWorld is becoming more and more slanted toward Apple products, but I don’t agree (the iPhone made it to the list as well). I think that the writers for PCWorld were rather disappointed after all the hype with the end products. Also, I think that with the rising levels of hype, companies need to start delivering. Too many people are living with XP and don’t want to change because they are comfortable. People have found a system that works (fast), is stable, runs the software they need they don’t see the value in a $299 upgrade for more restrictions and pretty windows. Despite the hype, Vista is not giving the people what they want.
When you have some free time, take a look at the list. You might be surprised at some of the items you find (while others are just obvious, Office 2007. Why redesign the interface that people took so long to get used to?).
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:56h, 27 DecemberI’m kinda surprised social networks made the list with all the Facebook craze this year.