Hey everyone, here’s a quick reminder for you Realtors.  If you’re due for your 4 year Salesperson license renewal, get it taken care of.  My office, Prudential, requires 7 days to process the paperwork.  They also prefer us not to renew it online, especially if you’re cutting it close to the expiration date.

And if it’s your first 4 year renewal, then make sure you take the new required 3 hour Risk Management course.  Any first time 4 year renewal, as of July 2007, is required to take a 3 hour Risk Management course.  I just took mine online, via Kaplan(formerly Anthony’s school or RE), for $19.  It was quick and painless(it took me about 30 minutes).  In addition to this, you’re still obligated to take the old classes, so get to it!