In no particular order, here are 40 ways to make a great real estate agent website.

1. add a blog: write about you, your business, your expertise, your area, etc
2. write a good biography that talks about you, your education, past employment, places you’ve lived…
3. include home page content that contains your full name, company name, neighborhoods you work, phone number, etc
4. add video about yourself
5. get testimonials from clients, be sure to include their full names as it adds more credibility to the testimonial
6. get rid of all canned content and take the time to write your own text in its place
7. add Meebo to your site so that you can chat with your visitors
8. use Google Analytics to track your traffic
9. add a feature listing to your home page, be sure to change it every few weeks
10. make your cell phone and email address known, have them on every page
11. subscribe your blog’s rss feed to
12. use Google Maps to promote your listings
13. subscribe your website to Google Sitemaps to ensure that Google is up to speed on your website’s activity
14. update your title tags to be descriptive for each page of your website
15. add a page to your website for each neighborhood that you specialize in
16. add links to products and services that you recommend
17. people love stats, keep your visitors up to date with market stats and conditions
18. add your website URL to your email signature
19. ensure that your full contact info are on your contact page (name, mailing address, phone, company name, fax, etc)
20. add your sold listings to your site
21. add property searches
22. send out a press release announcing your new website
23. add some photos of you and your clients, family, city…
24. register a easy to remember domain name and point it to your website
25. pay attention your listing description (for example: adding “Good-value” sells for 5% less than average)
26. don’t add banner or link advertising
27. add the feedburner email newsletter option that will email your subscribes your blog posts – for free
28. get some blog interviews from interesting personalities (makes for good reading and adds more “stickiness” to your website
29. add neighbourhood videos that depict areas you work in
30. discuss groups, boards, volunteer activity, meetups, classes that you participate in
31. add your listings to and be sure add a link to your website
32. no listings? add your services to the “real estate services” section of (be sure to hyperlink to your site)
33. add a rentals section to your website and let your clients know you will help them rent their place
34. add a privacy policy
35. add as many photos to your listings as you can
36. add a unique domain to promote your listings (its a great way to make the owner feel special – plus you could give the domain to whoever buys the home as a unique gift)
37. write quality content on your buyers and sellers pages to entice your website visitors to give you their contact information
38. add your blog articles to
39. answer common questions that you are asked right in your blog
40. make sure your companies website, your mls and any other site you have a profile on is linking to your website

Now that you have done that, check out 15 SEO Tips to help you Gain Visibility in the Search Engines