1. My Brokers website is good enough

Wrong! More often than not, a Brokers website does more to advertise the brokerage than any one particular agent. Many Agents have their own website, quite often more than just one. It’s entirely appropriate to create your own website and market it yourself to use as an independent lead generation tool.

2. I need a .com name

It’s not a deal breaker if you can’t get a .com domain name. What you need is a short punchy domain that someone is likely to remember. Nine times out of ten, the short dot com address you want has already been taken. Do a GoDaddy search for the domain you want and if it’s unavailable, they’ll recommend alternatives. Try a .net or .biz domain name. But for god sakes don’t hyphenate.


Common sense stuff here, but you’d be much more likely to remember DanObrien.biz then DanObrienRealEstateAgentLLC.com. The longer the name gets, the more unlikely it becomes that someone will remember it.

3. I should hire a web designer

What for? For a couple hundred bucks can create your own website complete with domain name registration, hosting AND a sleek web design that will look like you spent thousands.

Purchase a cheap domain name and hosting through GoDaddy, for $4.99 a month. Right off the bat, that’s hundreds of dollars less than a web designer will charge. GoDaddy comes with WordPress, and you can install it with just a few clicks into your hosting control panel and trust me when I tell you that you don’t need a web designers help to do it, the entire process is pretty painless. Read this helpful article.

You can purchase and download a WordPress template from ThemeForest.net or TemplateMonster.com and install a beautiful looking WordPress Real Estate template that you can completely customize yourself. A quick Google search turned up: 17+ Free (and Premium) WordPress Real Estate Themes

4. I don’t need IDX

Without IDX, you have a website that’s all tell and no sell. 95% of your visitors are on your website looking for home listings. Sure, your website has to look great, but without showing your listings, you have all the sizzle and none of the steak. You might be able to use the IDX feed from your MLS or you can find an IDX vendor that has access to the feed and pay a monthly fee to use it on your website. IDXPro (my employer) has a copy & paste quick search page that installs quickly to any website.

5. I should let them view all my listings

This is perhaps the one Agents struggle with the most. Forced Registration is a must. Teaser Registration creates 14x more leads. Forcing visitors to register in order to view listings is the best way to capture leads. By giving your visitors the ability to view a few listings before asking them to register you allow them to get a feel for your site before asking them to give you their information. It’s more organic than asking for that information up front, and a much more aggressive lead capture strategy than not asking for it at all.