I just finished reading Matthew’s post on ClickTale, and I’ve gotta say I’m pretty impressed; I’m pretty sure we’re all huge fans of real time analytics and the ability to watch an actual user session is amazing! We also had a great post on human aggregators on Twitter.

More and more Real Estate Professionals are becoming active on Twitter, so in the spirit of helping everyone here on Geek Estate become top human aggretators I figured I’d share a couple of my favorite Twitter Analytics programs.

  1. Twitter Grader – Finally, a website that gives you a ranking 0-100 of how good your Twitter profile is!  Your Grade is based upon the number of followers, types of followers, number of tweets, etc.
  2. Twiangulate – This is an awesome website that tells you the followers in common between 2 or even 4 profiles!  Talk about being able to quickly social network with your friends’ followers!
  3. Twitgraph – Shows detailed graphs of your most popular links, most used words, and retweets!
  4. TweetPsychInterested in the psychology behind your tweets?  This website creates a psychological breakdown of your updates, including how negative, emotional, and thoughtful your tweets are!
  5. TwitterAnalyzer – Do you want to know how active a user truly is?  How about how many people actually retweet your tweets?  This analyzer offers charts and tons of info!

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