Here’s another link for you geeks out there — particularly if you’re trying to design a user-friendly real estate web page that appeals to consumers. While a bare-bones, data driven site might get the job done — in my opinion, good web design is essential to stand out from the competition. So, how do you design a web page? According to PSDtuts, there are 9 principles for good web design.

  1. Precedence (guiding the eye)
  2. Spacing
  3. Navigation
  4. Design to Build
  5. Typography
  6. Usability
  7. Alignment
  8. Clarity (sharpness)
  9. Consistency

Make sure to head to PSDTuts for all the details. For the graphic designers reading, these principles might have been common knowledge — but my hunch is that the majority of GeekEstate readers are not graphic designers.

[via Robert Scoble’s Link Blog]