[Note from editor: The “Mastermind Showcase” highlights companies and news from members of the GEM. Today’s showcase: Red Oak Realty.]

Founded in a hot tub in Albany 40 years ago, Red Oak Realty is an independent brokerage that has grown to over 160 agents in the San Francisco East Bay Area. With 20 staff members supporting its agents for a 8:1 agent to staff ratio.

In 2010 Vanessa Bergmark took over ownership of the business and has grown Red Oak to second in Market Share in the East Bay cities they serve. With over 20 years of experience in advertising and real estate marketing, COO Aman Daro helps agents and company leaders leverage data and consumer insights to innovate, build systems and generate growth.

What we like: As one of the first first real estate brokerages on record to be carbon neutral and green-certified, they care about the future of the Bay Area community tomorrow, not just getting people in the community today.

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