As you may or may not know, I’ve been traveling since March (a month and a half on the road in the US, but mostly abroad). As a result, I’ve been a bit disconnected from the Geek Estate community over the past 8 months. However, I’ve decided to return to the states and land back in Seattle this evening (I’m actually writing this post from a Virgin Atlantic flight from DC to LAX with free WIFI courtesy of Google). You might be wondering how this news impacts you. Even if you weren’t wondering that, I’m going to tell you anyway. For those of you who are past contributors to this blog, it means you’ll likely be getting an email or call from me at some point to catch up a bit in the first part of December. For readers, it just means additional posts from yours truly as I get back into the groove of the real estate tech scene. It goes without saying that if you have ideas for articles or topics you’d like to see covered here, don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments.

There are a few other updates I’ll be sharing soon, but there’s no sense giving them all away in one post — so you’ll just have to keep coming back for updates in the meantime.