You probably heard the news about the acquisition of Whole Foods by Amazon ($13.7 billion). It’s a big deal — Amazon just secured their biggest and best customer for their grocery services.

Honestly, Amazon’s strategy and execution are beyond comprehension. For the curious, there’s some great analysis of the acquisition by Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal on the latest edition of the Acquired podcast.

Enough about Whole Foods. What I really wanted to speculate on is…. what would an Amazon strategy look like, were they in the shoes of REMAX, Century21, Windermere, or Baird and Warner?

I’m talking about distribution. Eyes on brand. The hardest part of the equation.

If money were no object, where would “Amazon” buy distribution to instantaneously reach home owners (aka prospective buyers and sellers)?

Own the places they frequent regularly…which leads me to:

  • Coffee shops. What if every morning, you were told about one cool listing that just came on the market? What if real time market stats & home sales were shown on the walls? What if the baristas were real estate junkies who could answer any question? See here for some more context on why coffee shops make sense. Perhaps Windermere would choose someone like Cherry Street Coffee House with a strong regional presence.
  • Coworking establishments. I’ve written about this one too. What better way to reach and engage people than to own the office space they work in daily? Not a WeWork (too expensive), but a smaller regional player with several locations would be ideal.
  • Hair salons. Imagine if every single time you went to the hair salon, your stylist (who was a real estate licensed expert) spent 5-10 minutes of time updating you on the market and answering all your questions. That would be pretty damn valuable, no?

Is anyone bold enough to try any of these investment / marketing / engagement strategies?