Everyone knows generating blog content ideas is hard for most (not all) people. I know a few brokers used to have “Ask the Broker” calls to action on their sites to help with this. Jay Thompson and Doug Heddings both had them back in the day (both still do – Jay hereDoug here).

As an example of this same concept from outside the industry, a high school student in Illinois found my “impact of traveling abroad” post from several years ago, reached out to me on their own and requested some help with a school research project. They sent me 7 questions related to their research project focused on traveling and the effect that experiencing different cultures has on a person. As a result, I wrote 7 blog posts to answer them. I probably wouldn’t have thought to write about them if it weren’t for that email I got. If that student is wondering and went out of their way to ask, undoubtedly someone else in the world is wondering too.

Questions from your readers are still one of the best possible sources of content ideas — and likely an under utilized strategy.

Are you using a “Ask the Broker” (or agent) call to action to generate blog content ideas?