What Apps Are Fortunate Enough to be on Your “Home” Screen?
For those developing apps, the “home” screen is the holy grail to be on that screen. But few apps ever make it. To the right is my “home” screen on my iPhone…
No brainers: Calendar. Photos. Camera. Clock (alarm). Google Maps. Twitter. Facebook. Music.
More explanation: CNN (frankly, I rarely use it). Skype (use regularly to chat with people I work with on the go). Whatsapp (talk to several friends abroad). Trello (access all my tasks for Oh Hey World). Oh Hey World (links to ohheyworld.com). Gmail (clearly better for searching my entire gmail archive than the native “mail” app). Yelp (use it more traveling than when I’m in Seattle).
I don’t know why: Notes (only use occasionally)
What apps are on your home screen? Do you use them all daily? Is there any particular app that every agent uses daily in their real estate business? Which apps are “vital” to your day to day business?
It would be beyond awesome if you screen grab your home screen, and paste it as a comment.
Posted at 20:18h, 17 Septembermessages, just a guess but 80% of Realtors in our MLS using an iPhone. Agents more likely to answer text quickly than call.
Sam DeBord, SeattleHome.com
Posted at 07:07h, 18 SeptemberAgreed, messages and settings on the bottom row. Apple and Google Maps, Google direct link to Seattle traffic map, Pandora, Shush white noise to put my youngest to sleep.
Posted at 12:24h, 19 SeptemberMan, that baby shusher app is a god send. I can’t believe it works, but it does. They shouldn’t let new parents leave the hospital without it.
Sam DeBord, SeattleHome.com
Posted at 15:15h, 19 SeptemberRight? Wouldn’t it be helpful for the doctor to say “By the way, want to take 80% of the stress out of putting your baby to sleep? Shush app, or an old radio with the antenna torn out.” Static has saved many vacations for us.
Greg Martin
Posted at 07:26h, 18 SeptemberAgreed on Messages, Maps, and Gmail. I would add Google Voice, NWMLS, Camera+, Evernote (Note taking), Any.DO + Cal (ToDos with Calendar integration – can’t wait for the iPad versions of these apps and mail is coming too), Podio (CRM), Rdio (unlimited synced music), TweetBot, and Casts (Podcasts) to my dailies as well.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 07:28h, 18 SeptemberI just swapped CNN for Feedly on my screen yesterday.
Greg Martin
Posted at 07:33h, 18 SeptemberFeedly is good. I use Zite a fair bit, but it has only been able to get to page 2. 🙂
Rick Delgado
Posted at 13:51h, 19 SeptemberI also agree, most of the apps on my Samsung 4 have any relative use for me. As a real estate professional, I use, email, text and Google. most of the apps have no barring on my business and so I never use them. it would be nice to have your apps persioanlly ordered to your specification and us. this would serve you the best on whatever profession you are in.
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Posted at 17:06h, 09 November[…] tried to pry your home screen apps out of you several months ago, but this is an attempt to go a little bit more in depth with the real estate app landscape — […]