For those developing apps, the “home” screen is the holy grail to be on that screen. But few apps ever make it. To the right is my “home” screen on my iPhone…

No brainers: Calendar. Photos. Camera. Clock (alarm). Google Maps. Twitter. Facebook. Music.

More explanation: CNN (frankly, I rarely use it). Skype (use regularly to chat with people I work with on the go). Whatsapp (talk to several friends abroad). Trello (access all my tasks for Oh Hey World). Oh Hey World (links to Gmail (clearly better for searching my entire gmail archive than the native “mail” app). Yelp (use it more traveling than when I’m in Seattle).

I don’t know why: Notes (only use occasionally)

What apps are on your home screen? Do you use them all daily? Is there any particular app that every agent uses daily in their real estate business? Which apps are “vital” to your day to day business?

It would be beyond awesome if you screen grab your home screen, and paste it as a comment.