About John Bodrozic

Co-founder of HomeZada, a digital home platform for the homeowner lifecycle that has both a consumer and real estate side.  Previously, he was a co-founder of Meridian Systems, the market leading commercial construction project management software that was sold to Trimble (NASDAQ:  TRMB).

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From Stadiums and Casinos to a House

From Stadiums and Casinos to a House

[Editor’s Note: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post.] The story behind how a tech company gets its start often intrigues people. The three founders at HomeZada are passionate and driven second time entrepreneurs and believe that many good…

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Fridge Magnets for Life’s Biggest Asset

Fridge Magnets for Life’s Biggest Asset

[Editor’s Note: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post.] Realtors often times state the importance of their role in helping consumers with their single largest financial transaction, the buying or selling of a home. But there is a long…

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10 Reasons more Photos are Valuable for Agents

10 Reasons more Photos are Valuable for Agents

[Editor’s Note: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post.] Consumers love photos of just about everything on the internet. Just look at the amount of photos on people’s Facebook posts, their dreams and inspirations on Pinterest, the number of…

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