About Kyle Nicholas McCray

Director of Innovations at American Pacific Mortgage (APM). He oversees Scrappy Labs, a division of APM dedicated to challenging the company by institutionalizing new idea experimentation. In this intrapreneur role, Kyle focuses on institutionalizing new idea experimentation, inspiring culture to contest the business and allocates resources to activate opportunities. For more information about Kyle, visit kylenmccray.com.

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How Innovation Projects were Scaled within a Large Mortgage Bank

How Innovation Projects were Scaled within a Large Mortgage Bank

Businesses avoid innovation from fear of not understanding how to effectively manage the unknown. The leaders of these organizations see the value of being innovative, but are disincentivized by the uncertainty and by their lack of expertise and commitments in time and resources to make…

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Blockchain Ledger Technology and the Future of Real Estate Transactions

Blockchain Ledger Technology and the Future of Real Estate Transactions

Implementing new technology in the real estate and mortgage industries has been a relatively slow process when compared to other industries. In recent years, however, things have started to change with the move toward online listings coupled with mobile technology that is speeding up the…

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