Public speakers are at every conference you go to regardless of what industry you are in, and many organizations pay big money to attract big name speakers to their event as a draw for their attendees. Real estate is no different; real estate brokerages and franchises all over the country are constantly bringing motivational speakers in to motivate and train their agents with the hopes of the agents getting motivated to grow their business, and as a recruiting tool for new agents. Public speakers are needed both for broker office visits as well as national franchise conferences — but who are the best available speakers in the real estate vertical?

Here’s a list of some of the notable speakers in our industry (alphabetical by last name so I’m not playing any favorites):

  • Joel Burslem
  • Brian Boero
  • Todd Carpenter
  • Amy Chorew
  • Sherry Chris
  • Marc Davison
  • Mike Ferry
  • Tom Ferry
  • Brad Inman
  • Jim Marks
  • Nicole Nicolay
  • Darin Persinger
  • Spencer Rascoff
  • Daniel Rothamel
  • Chris Smith
  • Stefan Swanepoel
  • Jeff Turner

If you’ve attended Inman Connect, Agent Reboot, or a RE BarCamp, you may have attended a presentation by one or more of these speakers. Who is your favorite and what did you like about them? Who am I missing that should be added to this list? I admit I don’t know everyone on the speaking circuit, and there are likely some amazing local speakers who may not travel nationally that I’m not aware of. Would love whatever feedback and tips you can provide!