Better Voicemail for Real Estate Agents – and a Special Offer for the Geek Estate Community
What do you currently use to handle your voicemail? I’m guessing it’s either Google Voice, your standard voicemail that comes with your mobile phone, or some other add on service you’ve randomly stumbled upon along the way.
Sure, regular voicemail works. But we all know it can, and should, be better for real estate agents. For starters, when someone leaves you a voicemail, you’d like to know what property that person is inquiring about so that when you follow up (within minutes) you’ll already be privy to further details on that particular property.
I spent some time speaking with Steven Knapp at a few days ago, and it seems they have a solution that could help you improve the voicemail experience and usefulness of agents. In the words of Steven:
As for comparison to other services, where Google Voice, YouMail, PhoneTag and VoiceCloud all offer transcription services, that’s where our similarities stop. Better Voicemail is built specifically for the needs of real estate agents. Visually, our app displays what property the caller called about, if they requested a showing, and if they left a message – all before you even read the transcript. For lead capture, we display the Caller ID name, city, and state for ALL of your missed calls, not just the ones who leave a message. And for the caller, none of the others let your callers find information on your properties when you can not answer.
Sound cool? Read on…
Regular Pricing
Regular pricing is $15 per month for up to 50 messages, and $25 per month for unlimited messages.
Special Offer for the Geek Estate Community
Coupon code: geekestate
What it will give you: 3 free months of BetterVoicemail to the first 50 people to sign up. This is a limited time exclusive for the Geek Estate community — the discount code will be deactivated one week from today.
You can use the “geekestate” coupon code from the signup page located HERE.
Here’s to better voicemail in 2012…
Lani Rosales
Posted at 08:16h, 23 January<3 BVM!
Property in Dubai
Posted at 21:57h, 23 JanuaryVoicemail is a good news for real estate agents in today`s life. Real estate business is badly disturbed in Dubai due to economic condition but in the estates like “Geek”, there are great chances to earn more efficiently in this business. I would like to suggest to all real estate agents in the world that they use voicemail system for their business promotion and to get better results.
Alistair Powell
Posted at 13:58h, 07 AprilShame, I really wanted to sign up for it but the coupon code expired 🙁