Publish date:1/7/2009
Last update date: 3/1/2013
Blog Policy & Rules:
This is a multi-author blog written by a range of authors and their representative businesses. The views and opinions are that of individual contributors and may not necessarily represent opinions held by GeekEstate’s operators. Authors are carefully selected and all of the content they provide is believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Facts, claims, statistics, quotes, data or other content related to a specific service or product should be independently verified
This blog was founded by, but is now an independent resource.
Sponsorships and advertising are at the discretion of GEB operators.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity.
Any post containing a conflict of interest shall be disclosed by the contributing author(s).
Comment Policy:
For questions about this blog or its policies, please contact Mike Price, at [email protected]
If you have feedback or suggested changes, leave them HERE.
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We build consumer products at the intersection of community, real estate, and travel.
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