Real Estate blogging has many advantages for real estate professionals. Drew Meyers and Brian Rothenberg recently talked about tips for marketing your blog. In addition to those two great posts, bloggers need to be aware of what their users are looking for, then cater to their users. Pay careful attention to your site’s analytics. Google offers a great analytical tool that is free to everyone; however, a majority of the blogging platforms today have simple analytical tools built in. For example, WordPress has an area called “search engine terms”. Keep a daily eye on that to see what your users are searching for. Match the keyword terms to your new blog post exactly.

An example would be your analytics report is saying people are reaching your site by the terms – 3 bedroom house for sale in Philadelphia or homes for sale in Philadelphia. More than half of all the traffic to your blog has come from similar searches. If I’m a real estate agent in the Philadelphia area, I’ll be sure to blog about each and every house I have for sale in my inventory in Philadelphia. Be sure to be descriptive and match the exact key words users are searching for.

Finally, the biggest mistake a real estate agent can make is deleting a blog post after a listing has sold. Why lose the SEO the post has produced for your blog? Agents may think to themselves, “the house has sold, let me delete that one now.” Wrong! Simply go back to that post and write a simple: This home has been sold. Now you have a new user to your blog that could turn into a potential lead.