blogrush-logo.jpgUnofficially, there are 1,214,782 blog widgets out there. Some are very cool and useful, others not-so-much.

Blog Rush” is a new widget that (according to them) can drive traffic to your blog:

BlogRush is a free service that was created to help bloggers solve their #1 need: More Readers For Their Blog.

By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs.

BlogRush users earn “syndication credits” (the right to have their blog post titles shown inside a widget on another related blog) based on their own traffic (loads of the widget) as well as the traffic of other users they refer to BlogRush. Users can automatically refer others to BlogRush via special links on the widget, as well as through the promotion of a special referral URL they are given.

blogrush-widget.jpgInstalling the widget is easy: register, provide your blog URL and feed URL and copy/paste a little code snippet and you’ll get this little gizmo in your sidebar. After 24 – 48 hours, your own links will start showing up in others BlogRush widgets. The more traffic/clicks your blog generates, and the more people you invite, the more often links to you show up in others widgets. (at least in theory, I’ll need more time to prove it.)

It’s a neat idea. How well it works of course will depend on how well it spreads and the penetration it gets. I’ve already seen it on a couple of real estate blogs.

Full disclosure – the links in this post to Blog Rush are referrals from my account. So I’ll get brownie points if you sign up that way. GeekEstate readers are sharp enough to figure out how to remove me from the loop (but why would you want to do that? 🙂 )

Problogger has some good tips for optimizingAndy Beard has his usual exquisite details.

My only gripe? I can’t customize the color scheme to fit my blog.

Hat tip to Greg and Lani.