Cable News, and Fear
This isn’t really related to real estate tech, so if that’s what you’re looking for today, you can head elsewhere.
Seth Godin’s post yesterday was about Cable News. More specifically, fear and what’s causing it:
What if the fear and malaise and anger isn’t merely being reported by cable news…
What if it’s being caused by cable news?
What if ubiquitous video accompanied by frightening and freaked out talking heads is actually, finally, changing our culture?
Which came first, the news or the news cycle?
We seem to accept the hegemony of bottom-feeding media as some natural outgrowth of the world we live in. In fact, it’s more likely an artifact of the post-spectrum cable news complex in which bleeding and leading became business goals.
Don’t buy into the media garbage that the world’s going to end if you don’t do X, Y, and Z today. Really, all they care about is whether you read their headlines and click through to their article — which is probably irrelevant to your life that day. (see my thoughts on why Twitter’s growth challenge is entirely explainable).
Are you operating your life, and business, from a position of fear?
If so, rethink that decision.
Fear is a liar.
And, please, don’t tell me it’s not a decision. Everything is a decision.
If you want to change, “decide” to change. The rest will take care of itself — IF you truly, truly decide it should.
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 15:57h, 13 OctoberI am not sure what to make out of Seth’s post. Is he suggesting we watch less news? I guess I will have to digest it more to think if I am operating from a position of fear. I think I operate from a position of fun. I look at what is fun to do and gives good results and I do it.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 21:22h, 13 OctoberYes, I think so. And if so, I 100% agree with him on that.
Bryn Kaufman
Posted at 00:35h, 14 OctoberI agree too. I have been using Inoreader so I stop going to the mainstream news sites and reading that nonsense. Instead I am focusing more on interesting blogs and Inman.