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Zillow Digs is Monetizing

Zillow Digs is Monetizing

I’ve long been a fan of Zillow Digs. It’s been months since I’ve opened the app — but tonight I opened it up, and was surprised to see advertisements integrated into the photos. You can click any of the dots on the image, and be…

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Visiting a Childhood Home, and the Opportunity for Heatmaps of Neighborhood Renovations

Visiting a Childhood Home, and the Opportunity for Heatmaps of Neighborhood Renovations

I had a meeting in Crossroads today (a neighborhood of Bellevue, WA) that brought back all sorts of memories because it had been so long since I had set foot in the Crossroads Mall where I spent so much time as a kid. In 2nd…

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Zillow Digs for iPhone

Zillow Digs for iPhone

We’ve covered Zillow Digs here before. I’ll be the first to say I think Zillow Digs is a brilliant strategic move by my former co-workers to repurpose the millions of photos they have collected over the years for an entirely different use case. As of…

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