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The Three Best Laptops For Real Estate Agents For 2011

The Three Best Laptops For Real Estate Agents For 2011

Real estate agents tend to spend most of their time outside of the office, in cars, and showing homes to clients, therefore they need devices that are portable and advanced, such as smart phones, to manage lists and email streams.

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How To Sync and Share Important Stuff Between Your Desktop, Your Notebook, Your iPad, Your iPhone and The Mysterious Cloud.

How To Sync and Share Important Stuff Between Your Desktop, Your Notebook, Your iPad, Your iPhone and The Mysterious Cloud.

Like you, I’m In and Out, on the Go, and in a hurry.  I need my important stuff handy wherever iGo and whenever I get there. I searched around for something REALTOR® friendly.  Something simple and affordable.  Something that works smooth-like-real-butter, on my desktop, my notebook,…

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Did You Ever Notice Your Best Thoughts are on the Toilet?

Did You Ever Notice Your Best Thoughts are on the Toilet?

Ok, I don’t know about you guys, but for me it seems that my best thoughts come to me when I am “Going Potty” or driving on the freeway! the 2 most inopportune times in life to (jott) down a note. Until now it has…

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PdaNet for Treos

PdaNet for Treos

As a Realtor, I like many of you, am on the run a lot and don’t always have the luxury of being at my office. And in a time where a 5 minute response time is 5 minutes too long, I depend on my phone…

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