Coming Soon: Location-Aware IDX Apps
At the time of this writing, Apple is holding a press release to announce their API for the iPhone; you can check out the live feed here. They’ve announced a lot of really incredible stuff so far, but the part that I was most intrigued with is this:
We have a complete set of APIs for your app to talk directly to the contacts DB on the iPhone, and an entire database API with SQLite. … Core Location – we’ve taken that and patched it into an API so you can create location-aware applications. [emphasis added]
Imagine the possibilities this brings! Zillow can now make an app that shows information about all of the properties within a half-mile radius of your current location. IDX developers can create apps that show users properties for sale or open houses as they drive around a neighborhood. MLSs vendors can create locatation-aware comp programs to help agents impress sellers and pick up contracts. The list goes on. Yay!
Kurtis Holsapple
Posted at 12:28h, 11 MarchHave you seen the location app demonstration for the google platform android? Looks pretty cool too. I’m glad that Apple opened up their phone with their SDK, but it is also kind of limiting.
Read here and here.