There was a fantastic discussion at Gnomedex (the “Blogosphere’s Conference”) last weekend led by my colleague, Vanessa Fox, that touched on a very interesting & important subject — How Much of Your Digital Identity Do you Control? Specifically, she talked “about how the more you put yourself out there online, the more you may be giving up control of your identity.”

Last night, she revisited the subject on her blog in a post titled “Controlling Your Life 2.0,” which ended with the following questions that I think everyone should be thinking about when publishing parts of your lives online:

  • What do you put online?
  • What does your online presence mean for those around you?
  • What about anonymity?
  • Do you keep separate personas (online, offline, professional, personal) or merge it all into one life?
  • What is the future of the web: Do we become commodities or can we control how we’re used?

The topic was discussed by attendees from the conference, but I thought I’d bring the topic to the attention of the since it’s something real estate professionals engaging in blogging and social networks should think about. As a real estate professional, you have a vested interest in marketing yourself since your personal brand is what often brings clients. Fortunately or unfortunately, part of marketing yourself and building a strong personal brand is showing your personality — very hard to do without exposing some of your personal life. Once something is posted online, it’s very hard to retract. Therefore, the earlier you think carefully about how much of your life you’re comfortable with publicly exposing, the better off you’ll be in the long-term.

I’d love to hear what you think about this issue.

How much of yourself do you put out there online? Do you edit yourself? Are you being truly authentic? Is your life fair game if you put yourself out there? How far is too far?

Note these bold questions are all asked in Vanessa’s post