Creating A Conduit Toolbar for Internet Browsers

Picture 3 is a site that allows you to create a “custom” toolbar that works with popular Internet browsers like Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.  The toolbar can be custom created from scratch, then offered as an additional tool allowing users a direct interface or “Conduit” to the most valuable and important segments and links of your Blog or website.

Having a custom toolbar available to readers can add extra value to those who regularly visit your site.  By adding this toolbar to your browser, or creating your own custom toolbar, users can access the important information or areas of your site they want to know more about without having try and find it on your site.  The only question and challenge for you is, what should you add to the toolbar to make it the most useful and powerful tool for your readers?

Picture 2

Creating a custom toolbar at is fast and easy, and the best part is that it’s FREE.  Imagine having your customized toolbar installed on millions of browsers across the web. It would not only provide extra value to your readers, but could increase the traffic and exposure to your site.

Here is a sample of one I created for GeekEstateBlog, you might want one of these for your site or Blog.

Picture 3

Try the toolbar on your browser,
then Click Here, to create one of your own.
Select Your Browser Below To Download The Geek Estate Blog Toolbar.

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