Ok, I don’t know about you guys, but for me it seems that my best thoughts come to me when I am “Going Potty” or driving on the freeway! the 2 most inopportune times in life to (jott) down a note.

Until now it has frustrated the heck out of me…AAAARRRGHH (mean sound). then (while I was sitting on the “Porcelain God” of course) DOOOINNGG! it came to me…Web 2.0 saves the day again! Da Da Da (not to be confused with De De De) JOTT, yes Jott.com…faster than a speeding terabyte, more powerful than 320Gig Hard Drive, able to leap small minds in a single bound…It’s JOTT!

JOTT is an online FREE service that translates your speech into an email and sends it for you. It is unbelievably accurate and simple to set up on line. You just enter your contact (you can even upload a bunch through csv), you don’t even have to enter a voice tag, it just knows??? (Spooky). Seriously though, if you have a teenager, how many times have you sat up at night worried that they are texting while driving??? JOTT can help there too! Told ya he was a Super Hero!

Anyway, never worry about loosing a great thought again, just pick up your phone (speed) dial JOTT, tell it to call “yourself” and start talking….when you get done (hee hee), you grab the email and VIOLA! you are a genius.

Now if I could just write a Blog Post about explaining it to the guy in the next stall???

Agents “Stop” “Learn” “Grow” “Prosper”

The Coach