Disqus Commenting System
[Author’s note: This article was originally posted on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. Drew and I both thought it might be good for Geek Estate Blog readers as well. It’s been modified ever-so-slightly from the original]
Back in May 2008, I tried out the Disqus (pronounced “discuss”) commenting system on Phoenix Real Estate Guy. That test failed for several reasons, primarily I didn’t like the fact that comments were stored only on the Disqus servers. I was concerned what would happen to the 13,000+ comments on the blog should I wake up one day and Disqus was gone. Another show stopper for me was for someone to subscribe to comments, they were forced to join Disqus (which is free, but still).
A lot has changed with Disqus in the past 14 months, so I’ve decided to try it again.
- Comments are now “synched” with and retained in my WordPress SQL database. They are served from Disqus, but I can turn it off with a keystroke and revert instantly to the standard WordPress commenting system.
- The ability to subscribe to comments without having to join Disqus has been added. (and comment subscription is “double opt in” – you’ll get an email asking you to confirm your subscription. This prevent losers from subscribing you to stuff you don’t want. Trust me, it happens.)
- Disqus comments are “SEO Friendly” – the content still shows as part of the page in TPREG’s HTML. It is also friendly to those who have javascript disabled.
How to Comment with Disqus
It’s really no different than it used to be, though you have many more options.
Here’s what the comment area looks like:
If you so desire (it’s completely your choice) you can log in via Disqus, Facebook, Twitter or OpenId. Using these services has benefits – it will pull in your avatar so we can see your smiling face and you can post your comment to your Facebook profile, Tweet it, etc. This also helps with “community building” and exposure. It’s the web 2.0 way.
If you prefer, just as in the past, you can enter your name, email and website (optional) and leave a comment that way.
With a webcam and a Seesmic account, you can leave a video comment.
Cool Disqus Features
There are some pretty nifty features available with this system. Those that chose to get a free Disqus account will have links to their various social network profiles available to all readers:
All the comments you leave on Disqus enabled blogs (and there are a LOT of them) are saved to your Disqus profile. Ever left a masterpiece comment on a blog and forgot where it was? Or worse yet, the blog goes offline into the ether? No more worries, your comments are yours to keep, savor and share.
Click on the “Expand” link and a shadow box pops up with the commenters most recent comments across Disqus enabled blogs.
Here is tdhurst’s full Disqus profile. It’s basically a collection of Tyler’s musings across the internet. Kinda cool.
Login with your Twitter ID, and you can send your comment as a Tweet.
So what?
In theory, this helps you “build your Twitter presence” and followers. It could also (selfishly) drive traffic back to the blog you’re tweeting from (the link in the Tweet points to your blog comment). If nothing else, it allows you to send a charming and witty comment to Twitter with the check of a box.
But wait, there’s more!
An oft requested feature that I’ve never been able to figure out how to do is provide the ability for a reader to subscribe to comments without having to leave a comment. Now you can do that. You can also subscribe to comments on specific posts via RSS. You can tag comments you “like” and even report them to the blog author (useful for helping your friendly blogger kill any spam that slips through). You can even change the sort order of comments.
Heck, you can even reply to comments through email or text messaging, and edit your comments any time you like.
Disqus from the Bloggers Perspective
Here’s a list of benefits for bloggers from the Disqus About page:
- Threaded comments and comment ratings
- Powerful moderation and admin tools
- Filter out spam, trolls, and unwanted commenters
- Enable your visitors to become a real community
- Moderation by email or mobile
- More comments and increased engagement
- Connected with a large discussion community
- Increased exposure and readership
Spam control looks to be very good. Several systems are used, including Aksimet (which most WordPress bloggers use). The comment admin interface is powerful, yet intuitive. And I love being able to administer comments via email!
One of the nice things about implementing this is the heavy coding is done by the experts at Disqus. Ever tried to get Facebook Connect implemented on a blog? It’ll drive you to empty a fifth of Jack Daniels. Now the real programmers do it and I just upgrade a plugin when they add new features.
The Drawbacks of Disqus
Learning to type “Disqus” instead of “Discuss” is hard.
Disqus comments are “nofollowed”. I’m not sure if this is good or bad. I did have comments “dofollowed” and the amount of spam I had to deal with increased significantly. It was becoming a huge time-sink to manage comments. In order to “share the Google love” with commenters, I’ll probably be installing a dofollow comment widget of some sort on TPREG. I just need to find the right one.
Plugins that enhance/modify the comments in a blog will likely not function in Disqus. On my blog, the CommentLuv and KeywordLuv plugins were rendered useless. These pulled in the commenters last blog post (most of the time) and allowed “hot linked” keywords in the commenters name field. Both also seemed to attract spammers by the boatload and didn’t really increase the frequency of quality comments.
For those that leave comments solely for the link love, sorry. But honestly, that’s a pretty lame reason to leave comments anywhere. Comments do help drive traffic to you and give you exposure, regardless of whether they are followed or not by search engines. Leave comments on blogs to engage with and enrich the community, and yourself, not just for a link that has marginal worth.
Installing Disqus
If you’re a blogger and you want to use (or try) Disqus, it’s pretty simple. Plugins and instructions are available for many blog platforms including WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Movable Type, Square Space, Drupal, Joomla and more.
Give it a Test Drive
If you want to see the Disqus comment system in action, you can stop by TPREG, Sellsius, Tribus Real Estate, the Roost blog, or even some of the blogiverse heavyweights like Mashable.
Disqus Commenting System | GeekEstate Blog | Twitter
Posted at 19:59h, 12 July[…] Disqus Commenting System | GeekEstate Blog If you so desire (it’s completely your choice) you can log in via Disqus, Facebook, Twitter or OpenId. Using these services has benefits – it will pull in your avatar so we can see your smiling face and you can post your comment to your … https://geekestateblog.com/disqus-commenting-installed-on-phoenix-real-estate-guy/ […]
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:09h, 13 JulyI just added it to geek estate. Maybe the databases are busy synching up or something, but the site seems slower right now…
Jay Thompson
Posted at 15:37h, 13 JulyLooks good Drew! (and the speed seems fine to me)
Mike Woods
Posted at 18:18h, 01 JanuaryJay, so many of the Disqus comment sites don’t have an option to link to your website? I see that this site offers the option to link to your own site, but I haven’t found that on many of the sites. Am I missing something?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:09h, 13 JulyI just added it to geek estate. Maybe the databases are busy synching up or something, but the site seems slower right now…
Drew Meyers
Posted at 11:09h, 13 JulyI just added it to geek estate. Maybe the databases are busy synching up or something, but the site seems slower right now…
Hawaii real estate guy
Posted at 09:31h, 13 JulyThat is a long post with a lot to digest. Seems like it has some really cool features that benefit both the blogger and his community that is commenting. It also sounds like it has a few disadvantages. Do you know any one using a do follow comment plugin with it? I have been wanting to find a good do follow plugin if you have any suggestions.
I do like the feature that you can subscribe without commenting. Can you get email alerts also or just through RSS?
Thanks Jay 🙂
Jay Thompson
Posted at 15:36h, 13 JulyYou can subscribe by email, not just RSS, without commenting.
I don't know of any dofollow plugin that works with Disqus. My blog was dofollow for a long time and while I did note an increase in comments, the spam increased as well. It's a trade off. Personally, I grew weary of fighting the spammers. People should comment on blogs to help others, to learn, to contribute and even to get other people to their blogs. Commenting solely for the link is silly.
The best WordPress dofollow plugin, by far in my opinion, Lucia's Linky Love.
Hawaii real estate guy
Posted at 08:30h, 14 JulyObviuosly it is silly to just comment for the link, but is nice to reward people with a little love 😉 thanks for responding.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 09:15h, 14 JulyIt may be obvious, but a *LOT* of people do it. I plan to install a “recent comments” and/or “top commenter” widget (or something) that is followed to share the love.
Posted at 07:41h, 03 Octoberthat sounds like something i could use
Posted at 09:24h, 01 JuneAmazing information posted here…Very well formatted article..I like the style of writing the article..Keep it up!!
Jay Thompson
Posted at 15:36h, 13 JulyYou can subscribe by email, not just RSS, without commenting.
I don't know of any dofollow plugin that works with Disqus. My blog was dofollow for a long time and while I did note an increase in comments, the spam increased as well. It's a trade off. Personally, I grew weary of fighting the spammers. People should comment on blogs to help others, to learn, to contribute and even to get other people to their blogs. Commenting solely for the link is silly.
The best WordPress dofollow plugin, by far in my opinion, is Lucia's Linky Love.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 15:36h, 13 JulyYou can subscribe by email, not just RSS, without commenting.
I don't know of any dofollow plugin that works with Disqus. My blog was dofollow for a long time and while I did note an increase in comments, the spam increased as well. It's a trade off. Personally, I grew weary of fighting the spammers. People should comment on blogs to help others, to learn, to contribute and even to get other people to their blogs. Commenting solely for the link is silly.
The best WordPress dofollow plugin, by far in my opinion, is Lucia's Linky Love.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 15:37h, 13 JulyLooks good Drew! (and the speed seems fine to me)
Jay Thompson
Posted at 15:37h, 13 JulyLooks good Drew! (and the speed seems fine to me)
Hawaii real estate guy
Posted at 08:30h, 14 JulyObviuosly it is silly to just comment for the link, but is nice to reward people with a little love 😉 thanks for responding.
Hawaii real estate guy
Posted at 08:30h, 14 JulyObviuosly it is silly to just comment for the link, but is nice to reward people with a little love 😉 thanks for responding.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 09:15h, 14 JulyIt may be obvious, but a *LOT* of people do it. I plan to install a “recent comments” and/or “top commenter” widget (or something) that is followed to share the love.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 09:15h, 14 JulyIt may be obvious, but a *LOT* of people do it. I plan to install a “recent comments” and/or “top commenter” widget (or something) that is followed to share the love.
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Posted at 00:54h, 31 Julynice share, great article, very usefull for us…thank you
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Posted at 09:45h, 31 JulyA dofollow option would be nice.
Posted at 09:45h, 31 JulyA dofollow option would be nice.
Posted at 09:45h, 31 JulyA dofollow option would be nice.
Posted at 12:31h, 31 Julynice blog, thanks for the post.
Posted at 13:02h, 02 Augustnice post, thanks for sharing
Posted at 04:12h, 06 Augustthanks for the share…
Posted at 04:13h, 06 AugustYour site Looks good… dofollow it will be great
Posted at 13:33h, 07 AugustNice post. Thanks for sharing
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Posted at 10:25h, 10 Augustnice post, thanks for sharing 🙂
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Posted at 11:20h, 13 Augustexcellent post, I'll have to check back more often, thanks!
Posted at 13:19h, 15 Augustdude – disquss makes it easy for us bloggers – no worries about too much. I have joined discuss and realized that it makes it easy to spart a conversation
Posted at 13:19h, 15 Augustdude – disquss makes it easy for us bloggers – no worries about too much. I have joined discuss and realized that it makes it easy to spart a conversation
Posted at 13:19h, 15 Augustdude – disquss makes it easy for us bloggers – no worries about too much. I have joined discuss and realized that it makes it easy to spart a conversation
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Posted at 20:00h, 17 AugustNice post for the Disqus.. I learn more about it.. Thanks for the information..
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Posted at 17:33h, 18 AugustThis commenting system of Disqus is really useful and I think there are lots of blogger using this….Thanks for sharing this..
Posted at 12:20h, 20 Augustthis was really nice info
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Posted at 01:56h, 27 AugustGreat post and very well explained. Cleared up a lot of things for me
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Posted at 15:48h, 06 OctoberTo my mind this meets the real functional requirement without requiring extra inspection to check the max full thread depth. I find this especially useful
Posted at 15:48h, 06 OctoberTo my mind this meets the real functional requirement without requiring extra inspection to check the max full thread depth. I find this especially useful
Posted at 08:58h, 07 OctoberAwesome blog. Very informative. Your blog is very valuable from the blogger’s mind. Keep it up!
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Posted at 09:02h, 07 OctoberWhat a comprehensive and interesting blog. Really nice to read it. Please include more details if possible.
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Posted at 09:22h, 08 Octoberyes i've beem using disqus commenting and it helps alot and give backlinks and traffics to my site.
The Point
Posted at 21:21h, 11 OctoberHow are you liking the comment system?
The Point
Posted at 21:21h, 11 OctoberHow are you liking the comment system?
The Point
Posted at 21:21h, 11 OctoberHow are you liking the comment system?
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Posted at 08:46h, 14 OctoberGreat to see bigger sites like yourself using disqus and allowing posts. Great real estate blog too, I like it!
100% Mortgage
Posted at 08:46h, 14 OctoberGreat to see bigger sites like yourself using disqus and allowing posts. Great real estate blog too, I like it!
100% Mortgage
Posted at 08:46h, 14 OctoberGreat to see bigger sites like yourself using disqus and allowing posts. Great real estate blog too, I like it!
Posted at 01:26h, 15 OctoberVery Informative Website…thanks!
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Posted at 05:56h, 16 OctoberAre disqus comments dofollow? does anyone know?
Posted at 08:57h, 16 OctoberNo, disqus comments ate not dofollow. Which is why I'm at such a loss as to why so many people still try to spam this blog with comments.
Drew Meyers
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Grant Hammond
Posted at 20:48h, 17 MarchHow did the Phoenix Real Estate Guy make his comments do follow? Does Disqus have that option somewhere in the settings?
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Posted at 05:56h, 16 OctoberAre disqus comments dofollow? does anyone know?
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Posted at 05:56h, 16 OctoberAre disqus comments dofollow? does anyone know?
Posted at 08:57h, 16 OctoberNo, disqus comments are not dofollow. Which is why I'm at such a loss as to why so many people still try to spam this blog with comments.
Posted at 08:57h, 16 OctoberNo, disqus comments are not dofollow. Which is why I'm at such a loss as to why so many people still try to spam this blog with comments.
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Posted at 14:28h, 20 OctoberThis is the most amazing service i have found!! very helpful and let people speak the real thing what they feel !! Great stuff
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Posted at 14:28h, 20 OctoberThis is the most amazing service i have found!! very helpful and let people speak the real thing what they feel !! Great stuff
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Posted at 12:35h, 23 Octoberhmmm very informative thnx for the post
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Posted at 04:42h, 27 OctoberGood Bloggers Perspective
Posted at 09:36h, 27 OctoberI'm researching info on disqus as I decide to use it or not. This post was extremely helpful.
Posted at 09:36h, 27 OctoberI'm researching info on disqus as I decide to use it or not. This post was extremely helpful.
Posted at 09:36h, 27 OctoberI'm researching info on disqus as I decide to use it or not. This post was extremely helpful.
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Posted at 19:27h, 27 Octoberexcellent post, thanks alot for the share!
Posted at 23:18h, 04 NovemberI'm big fan of Disqus.. :p Very liked it.
Posted at 10:32h, 09 NovemberDisqus Commenting System is advantage for long post, Thanks.
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Posted at 12:10h, 15 NovemberYeah !
Disqus is great ! Hopes more and more people join it and enjoy…………..
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Posted at 21:28h, 16 NovemberI Think Disqus Commenting System is very simply for us to discuss.
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Posted at 17:33h, 19 NovemberI am a Disqus fan since early last year. I find their system to be unique and really useful in blog commenting. I also noticed that their system provides Dofollow links on comments.
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Posted at 23:23h, 22 NovemberBeing a member of the Disqus community, I can safely say that using Disqus is like a walk in the park. It has its ups and downs but its also has benefits in which you can avail if you use it as your system in your blogs.
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Posted at 23:23h, 22 NovemberBeing a member of the Disqus community, I can safely say that using Disqus is like a walk in the park. It has its ups and downs but its also has benefits in which you can avail if you use it as your system in your blogs.
Posted at 09:42h, 24 NovemberVery interesting,
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Posted at 14:21h, 30 NovemberYeah commenting just for the link is a big waste of time since they are nofollows. But hey, let them waste their time if they want 🙂
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Posted at 14:21h, 30 NovemberYeah commenting just for the link is a big waste of time since they are nofollows. But hey, let them waste their time if they want 🙂
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Posted at 06:59h, 01 Decemberdisquss makes it easy for us bloggers – no worries about too much…Great to see bigger sites like yourself using disqus and allowing posts for my site Business Blog.
Posted at 04:38h, 07 DecemberIt is a very great post. From this I know the features and how to use disqus. Thanks for posting it.
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thanks for share it.
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Posted at 01:52h, 21 Decemberthanks for this article
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Posted at 18:04h, 18 Januaryit semms that disqus is really perfect ~ok~i will try it
Posted at 02:14h, 19 JanuaryI liked your article very useful to me. I will come back and read the article again.
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Posted at 17:28h, 26 Januaryoh! it is a good system
Posted at 17:28h, 26 Januaryoh! it is a good system
Posted at 06:56h, 12 MarchHi Jay,
I would like to have dofollow comment system while Disqus provides no follow also Commentluv plugin doesn't work with Disqus. How can I solve these issues?
Thanks for the help;
Posted at 06:56h, 12 MarchHi Jay,
I would like to have dofollow comment system while Disqus provides no follow also Commentluv plugin doesn't work with Disqus. How can I solve these issues?
Thanks for the help;
Yasmeen Davis
Posted at 13:37h, 22 MarchDisqus has always been my favorite commenting system. The speed of it always amazes me.Disqus is under active development.it is a listen to user feedback..
Yasmeen Davis
Posted at 13:37h, 22 MarchDisqus has always been my favorite commenting system. The speed of it always amazes me.Disqus is under active development.it is a listen to user feedback..
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Posted at 03:21h, 10 May“Disqus comments are “SEO Friendly” – the content still shows as part of the page in TPREG’s HTML. It is also friendly to those who have javascript disabled.”
I tried disabling my browser's javascript and visited my pages but I could not see the comments.
Posted at 02:24h, 20 MayIndeed, one cannot put all his or her eggs in one basket. The fact that Disqus allows for syncing with one's own database is a plus. I agree with you about not depending totally on the disqus servers to store your comments; in fact, that is a very scary thing to think about. What if there is a fire in the building where those servers are kept? Data could be destroyed forever. The rule of thumb then is to always store data on your own server.
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Posted at 11:18h, 29 MayThis is great, but I've been trying out other commenting systems, and although this seems to have the best interface, other commenting systems do have more useful feautures.
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Posted at 10:41h, 30 MayAnyway, great topic! Disqus is cool. I wish they could also integrate Facebook plugins to make Like and Comments easier.
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Posted at 01:16h, 11 JuneI like writing, hurriedly, not that you are not
Posted at 12:17h, 13 SeptemberAre disqus comments dofollow? does anyone know?
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Disqus Commenting System | GeekEstate Blog | Intenseblog.com
Posted at 07:32h, 15 JuneDisqus Commenting System | GeekEstate Blog…
…y Love. Hawaii real estate guy. Obviuosly it is silly to just comment for the link, but is nice to reward people with a little love 😉 thanks for responding. ……
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Posted at 05:44h, 09 AugustI'm trying to comment out the other systems, and although the interface looks nice comment the other systems, is more useful feautures.
Posted at 06:04h, 10 AugustDisqus really is a great tool for any blog. It will give your blog a sense of community vibe because of how easy readers can now leave comments and messages for you and other readers.
Dino Dogan
Posted at 13:10h, 11 Augusthuge fan of disqus…Im compiling a list of pros and cons for a future article and this post was tremendously helpful. I've made a note of the URL so I can reference it when my article comes out. thnx 🙂
Posted at 01:46h, 14 AugustGreat post.
I used Disqus for a couple of days, was skeptical about, and removed the feature. I read this article, and now have my comment system back to Disqus.
Thank you for the information.
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Posted at 20:43h, 14 AugustDisqus also helps find people with the same interest. I find Twitter is picking up for certain groups like real estate. When I started on Twitter real estate people were scarce.
Thanks for the information you posted here.
Posted at 04:20h, 05 SeptemberNice writeup, I think at this point, many of the comment services are starting to provide very similar functionality. Disqus has been pretty good about leading the thinking, and it’s natural for other services to begin delivering on what their users liked about Disqus. So that’s why in the coming weeks, we’re going to make it much easier for people to decide the better service for them. The new features in the coming release should be compelling enough and I really hope you’ll find them useful as well.
Wonkie CartOOns
Posted at 06:22h, 26 OctoberDo you know if Disqus can be easily integrated into WordPress blog without losing all the older comments? I have a blog that’s been running for a while and have several thousand comments I obviously don’t want to lose. Thanks
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Posted at 10:10h, 03 JanuaryAgain, a nice comment, I like it. I just made a point of reading other entries on here and I learned a lot. Cudos.
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Posted at 00:33h, 04 JanuaryWow! Thank you! I continually wanted to write on my website something like that. Can I take a fragment of your post to my site?
Posted at 07:26h, 02 MarchI too tried it for a week, but somehow I didn’t like it. But I may be I didnt know about using it properly at that time. I’ll again try it for sure now
Posted at 10:13h, 17 MarchOh nice, thanks for share!
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Posted at 09:42h, 21 MarchDisqus commenting really help us. Its easy and helpful for creating backlinks as well.
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Posted at 09:42h, 21 MarchDisqus commenting really help us. Its easy and helpful for creating backlinks as well.
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Posted at 09:42h, 21 MarchDisqus commenting really help us. Its easy and helpful for creating backlinks as well.
Posted at 06:14h, 25 MarchNice, that’s helpful for me!
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Posted at 23:27h, 27 MarchLoving the new disqus and similarly tried it and left in 2008
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Posted at 16:41h, 12 AprilI try to use Disqus as a way to get some SE juice but it looks like none of the links ever even show up, nofollow or not, they aren’t even found by google at all, its really weird.
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Posted at 09:30h, 21 AprilDisqus is really wonderful system,I like it very much
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Posted at 09:32h, 21 AprilI can’t agree more!Nice post,Thank you
Peter Egan
Posted at 22:23h, 25 AprilOne thing I had been wondering is why my plug-ins aren’t highlighting the links in red given the presence of nofollow. Is this because of the javascript?
Posted at 06:50h, 06 MayOh nice, thanks for your
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Posted at 06:22h, 28 MayDisqus is the best commenting system. i am using discqus since long time.
and it also provide me good result.
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Posted at 11:15h, 16 JuneI have used disquss comments for almost like a year now on my entertainment and an education blog, this system by far is the best free way to stay out of spamers ways. and it is light and good looking too.
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Posted at 04:11h, 21 JuneIn fact, you can not put all your eggs in one basket. The fact that Disqus can synchronize with your own database is a plus. I agree with you on everything is not quite on Disqus servers to hide your comments, in fact, a very scary thing to think. If there is a fire in the building where the servers be? Data can be destroyed forever. A rule of thumb is always to save data on your own server.
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Posted at 04:32h, 05 JulyIt is a long post with a lot to digest. It seems that some very interesting features that will benefit both the bloggers and their communities that comment. It also seems to have some disadvantages. You know something to make you use the plugin with the following comment? I wanted to find a good plugin if you do not follow the suggestions.
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Posted at 09:54h, 19 JulyDisqus is great…commenting platform system..
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Posted at 22:40h, 04 AugustI’m a huge fan of disqus. It’s simple to use but complicated enough that it keeps spammers away since Scrapebox can’t blast away to disqus blogs.
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Posted at 19:09h, 07 SeptemberInteresting post. I am actually trying to decide whether I am switching to Disqus. How’s it doing for your blog in terms of SEO?
Posted at 05:43h, 22 Septemberthe commenting system is well organized and to store the huge feedback in the actual location is the real effort!
Posted at 02:58h, 26 SeptemberWell, good news
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Posted at 11:14h, 04 JanuaryI agree Disqus is a great way of allowing others to comment on your site and the fact that Discus has allowed people to subscribe to comments without the need to join Discus is very positive. I was not aware that the comments are stored in the SQL DB of your local domain. That is also very positive. I don’t mind no-follow aspect of it because that would only bring spammer around. I am using Disqus with some of my blogs but I noticed that it is not compatible with all my themes.
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Why invest in ES are filled, and even believe they are already working on land in Espirito Santo, but it is worth mentioning that:
– The Holy Spirit has just received the Petrobras headquarters, located in the capital, Victoria!- The Holy Spirit is the third state in the country’s industrial productivity;- The Holy Spirit is the largest complex of iron ore pellets in the world;- It is the largest producer of steel plates;- It is the largest exporter of marble and granite in Latin America;- It is the first world producer and exporter of bleached hardwood;- It is the second producer of papaya;- It is the second largest producer of coffee;- It is the second largest producer of chocolate;- It is the seventh most competitive economy of the country, with growth higher than the national average;- New investments are focused on industry, energy, infrastructure and port services trade;- There are real prospects for the installation of a steel pole and other metal-mechanic and implementation of a petrochemical complex;- It is the second largest oil producer in Brazil from 40 to 200 thousand barrels per day;- The region of influence of the Holy Spirit has about 70% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP);- The expansion of the Vitória Airport has been approved, with a planned investment of around R $ 29 million;
For the reasons presented above, I believe it is appropriate to make available this respected blog, my portfolio of assets that the proximity of the World Cup and Olympic Games, is in good shape opportunities to meet their expectations in the Southeast:
– Storage Space for lease or sale in Victoria!- Rooms business in Victoria;- Guarapari Hotel Complex, near the main beaches in the resort of Guarapari, Ubu and Anchieta, and only 70km from Victoria;- Sites, farms and ranches in the region of Domingos Martins, the 3rd best climate in the world!- Entire building in prime business point of Victoria, with five floors, each one being 1000m ²!Great investment!- Two Inn Hotels in the region of mountains known Espirito Santo;- Properties of high standard in Victoria: houses, apartments, land, etc.- And land areas of various sizes in local draining road, port, rail and air transportation.- Hotels in Rio de Janeiro, in the south, and Center Bar, local shortage of beds for which the cup and the Olympics has been widely publicized by the media;- Three quarries in Rio de Janeiro, one small and two large, with excellent revenues, the city became a construction site, with great need for this type of product;- Two Mineral Water Sources in Rio de Janeiro, with all manufacturing structure, fully operational, including a network having the Sugar Loaf as a client, the current demand is suppressed;- Spectacular Mansion in Paradise Island film and, in Angra dos Reis!- Two ports on RJ, with great ability to flow;- Several commercial buildings for sale in Sao Paulo: Avenida Paulista, airports, gardens, etc!- Several hotels in excellent locations in Sao Paulo: Avenida Paulista, airport, etc.. Investment return right!- Alcohol and energy plants in Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso and Goias, fully operational;- Land and areas for construction of projects in the local nobles RJ and ES, because of the real estate boom, demand is very large;
In case of interest for some assets, sending information.
Response and I look forward dispeço respectfully.
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Posted at 09:42h, 10 FebruaryThis is an excellent information forever.
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Posted at 21:52h, 22 MarchWell stated and easy to understand. Thanks for posting. Keep it up.!
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Posted at 12:39h, 25 MarchDisqus is really a great plugin with unique set of hand on utilities for handling the comments
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Posted at 15:24h, 15 AprilGreat information with Disqus. Keep on updating us buddy. Been using disqus as commenting system for a while. I have no complains.
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Posted at 15:51h, 23 AprilDisqus is good but all comments in disqus are nofollw so it is not good for SEO lovers who want to put link in there comments.
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Posted at 23:08h, 24 Septemberhelps find people with the same interest. I find Twitter is picking up
for certain groups like real estate. When I started on Twitter real
estate people were scarce. thanks……………..
Jonathan Adams
Posted at 22:42h, 26 JuneI would rather Disqus not automatically export comments to the WordPress database.
Posted at 04:13h, 16 JulyOn my blog, the CommentLuv and KeywordLuv plugins were rendered useless. These pulled in the commenters last blog post (most of the time) and allowed “hot linked” keywords in the commenters name field.
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Posted at 15:44h, 16 OctoberThese disqus comments are no-follow so they tend not to get spammed as badly as wordpress comment sections. On my Robert May real estate website, I have had to disable all commenting due to some sort of automated spamming. I am always on the lookout for tools to make my real estate business more efficient.
Posted at 11:09h, 30 MarchI get censored by disqus! They don’t like critisism of israhell! They prevent typing once they grasp the content!
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Posted at 04:47h, 05 MayNice info you have shared
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Posted at 04:48h, 05 MayNice info you have shared
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Ashley Jones
Posted at 09:13h, 28 JuneI have to share the first thought that went through my head! I love unfiltered things. I thought “Someone would have to actually read a whole post to make a meaningful comment and I believe that is rarer.
There are a few of us who truly love to read and find it enjoyable. I like it when someone comments and I know they read it. Not only did I enjoy your blog, but the comments.
I am not sure how I feel about not leaving a comment. I tend to leave a comment so that people know they have been heard. I think that is important, not sure why I do, but I do.
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Posted at 13:49h, 08 JulyI really like Disqus. Now that it is 2016. Alot has changed.
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