Every now and then, something disruptive comes along in the real estate industry — what WestMill Capital is doing with 1351 H Street building in Washington DC is one of those initiatives. Dan and Ben Miller have been beta testing the idea that anyone should be able to invest in real estate projects in their community — not just accredited investors.

Give the article a read, then come back.

I’ll wait.

The bigger vision according to Ben?

imagine if we become the platform for how people participate in and build and invest in their environment.

What WestMill Capital is doing is more geared at the real estate investment market, but I can see it impacting residential down the line.

Imagine this scenario.

A home down the street forecloses.

Your local neighborhood rallies and invests the money to take ownership over the house — or cover the mortgage for their neighbor in exchange for a percentage of the property ( or even a low interest loan the home owner can pay back) — via a simple online platform similar to KickStarter.

In the case where the community takes ownership of the house, the property is put up for rent, or even put on a site like AirBnB to start generating income right away.

A great renter is eventually found, the the rent is collected via that same online platform and put back into the community fund to pay the mortgage (or the neighbors if income is more than expenses).

What do you think? Possible?

[Hat tip to my friend Jodi – from her bag of link goodies that consistently show up in my gmail and gchat]