DoorSteps Opens to Consumers
Today DoorSteps announced that they opened their doors to consumers. If you read this blog regularly, you know I wrote about DoorSteps a few months ago.
What’s the goal of the DoorSteps platform? According to founder Michele Serro…
The goal (of the platform) was to ensure every Doorsteps user had unparalleled insight about how to optimize each decision in their own best interest
I’m not going to go into the ins and outs of the system, just watch the video for that, or give their site a test run.
From a design perspective, their new home page looks simply fantastic — huge props have to go to their design team.
As some of you know, I was in New York last week to see old real estate friends, a couple new ones, and meetings for Oh Hey World. I finally got to meet Greg Fischer in person (who was the one that introduced me to DoorSteps) and again spent quite a bit of time with Michele and her team at General Assembly. I truly believe DoorSteps is onto something big, and get the sense their team is pushing the innovation envelope to the next level.
DoorSteps is certainly one of the companies in this industry to watch over the next few years.
A New Video by DoorSteps - GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 12:10h, 03 March[…] which I’ve covered before just put out a new […]
LA Angel
Posted at 07:17h, 04 JuneWhat a great concept that Doorsteps is working to achieve for informing homebuyers. Does anyone know which marketing firm made the doorsteps video?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:14h, 04 JuneThey made it in house I believe