dsSearchAgent Mobile is ALMOST Here
Speaking of mobile marketing (the topic of tonight’s #retechchat 90 minutes from now), I just got the following email from Diverse Solutions:
Diverse Solutions is excited to announce our new mobile IDX solution! Combining the search and lead capture features of our IDX products into a portable interface, dsSearchAgent Mobile is a fast and easy IDX you and your buyers will love.
Developed for use on smart phones, our mobile IDX offers the search power and flexibility of a full IDX solution in a compact size built for everyone.
dsSearchAgent Mobile lets buyers see nearby properties and open houses, perform searches, and view favorites in the palm of their hand – and their questions and contact info go straight to you.
Searches, favorite listings and other user data automatically syncs with dsSearchAgent Pro, making it easy to view your listings at your computer or on the go. Offering the performance of our desktop IDX search in a portable size, dsSearchAgent Mobile is unlike anything you or your buyers have seen before.
We’re wrapping up our internal BETA testing on dsSearchAgent Mobile and are just about ready to have some clients try it out. To be included in our BETA test program and be one of the first to try out dsSearchAgent Mobile, sign up to be on our BETA mailing list.
If you want to be in the beta group, sign up for their mailing list here. NOTE: You have to be a current Diverse Solutions client to participate in the BETA test.
Coming from the team at Diverse Solutions and being good friends with the lead developer of this product, I know it’s going to be an amazing product.
Stay tuned for more details.
Ricardo Bueno
Posted at 23:49h, 18 AprilMake one little announcement and the phones blow up 🙂
We’re definitely excited about this one Drew. It’s been top on our “To Do List” as the most requested feature and we’re happy to finally announce that we’re in the final stretch. As it says in the email, we’re moving into the Beta Testing Phase and that will only be open to current Diverse Solutions clients.
If you or anyone else has any questions… Ask away! Just reply to this comment or connect with me at: @Ribeezie.
Catch ya on the chat.
Ricardo Bueno
Diverse Solutions
Victor Gurrola
Posted at 20:34h, 22 AprilIm very excited about this product because i was planning to move away from idxbroker to DSidx. One questions tho. Is the app going to be for both Android and Iphone? Also best of luck with product launch, i doubt youll need it but it doesnt hurt. Hope I can be a beta tester (fingers crossed)
Posted at 20:44h, 22 AprilIt’s my understanding that the mobile idx will work across all browsers/phones.
Ricardo Bueno
Posted at 23:49h, 18 AprilMake one little announcement and the phones blow up 🙂
We’re definitely excited about this one Drew. It’s been top on our “To Do List” as the most requested feature and we’re happy to finally announce that we’re in the final stretch. As it says in the email, we’re moving into the Beta Testing Phase and that will only be open to current Diverse Solutions clients.
If you or anyone else has any questions… Ask away! Just reply to this comment or connect with me at: @Ribeezie.
Catch ya on the chat.
Ricardo Bueno
Diverse Solutions
Victor Gurrola
Posted at 20:34h, 22 AprilIm very excited about this product because i was planning to move away from idxbroker to DSidx. One questions tho. Is the app going to be for both Android and Iphone? Also best of luck with product launch, i doubt youll need it but it doesnt hurt. Hope I can be a beta tester (fingers crossed)
Diverse Solutions Launches a New Site Redesign, and the Launch of dsSearchAgent Mobile | | GeekEstate BlogGeekEstate Blog
Posted at 20:47h, 23 July[…] big news is that their new dsSearchAgent Mobile product (which I blogged about a few months ago) came out of BETA. I’d encourage you to go try their demo; it’s a really slick […]