Earth Enable – Building Better Floors in Rwanda
I saw Earth Enable last night, and thought it quite a fascinating project. It’s not really real estate technology, but it has a real estate angle (flooring in Rwanda) and worth sharing nonetheless.
80% of Rwandans and over one billion people worldwide live in homes with dirt floors. Dirt floors are just what you’d think: dirty. Dust is kicked up during dry season, puddles stick around during the rainy season, and floors become a breeding ground for mosquitos and parasites.
But concrete floors are just too expensive. EarthEnable’s earthen floors are the solution. Affordable, sanitary flooring that can be washed, cleaned, and create a healthy home environment for millions of people.
I can’t say I’ve ever really thought about the downsides of dirt floors, but it’s obvious the Earth Enable team most certainly has — and a lot of Rwandan’s have better lives as a result.
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