Foreclosure Radar
As the market has shifted and distressed sellers are more plentiful, a variety of companies are trying to help home buyers and Realtors keep up to speed. In response to the increase in foreclosures and short sales, Sean O’Toole founded a company called Foreclosure Radar. Foreclosure Radar allows home buyers to track every foreclosure in California, accurately and easily.
Yesterday, April 8th, 2008, the company release a new product called Foreclosure Listing Exchange (FLX). This service allows users to search for homes that are bank owned, going to auction, or preforeclosures. The system uses a 120 point validation system and is updated around the clock to ensure its accuracy. According to O’Toole…
Here’s the deal, in a nutshell:
o It’s IDX search for foreclosure listings
o It’s a search widget that integrates seamlessly with a broker or agent’s site
o It gives consumers foreclosure information they previously had to pay for (on sites like RealtyTrac, etc.)
o Foreclosures outnumber MLS listings in many markets; broker now have a tool to market them
FLX tells you where the property is located, what the estimated value is, the loan amount and of course the basics like square footage and number of bedrooms. From what I’ve briefly seen, this tool looks to be very appealing. As a Realtor, I think this will help agents track down foreclosures(with accuracy) for their clients and also provide ammunition for writing those low offers, by using foreclosures.
Next week I will begin a month long evaluation of FLX and Foreclosure Radar. Obviously my results will be limited by my location and the amount of traffic to my site, but I will report back with my findings. And in case you’re curious, O’Toole has purchased over 150 foreclosure properties…I think he knows a little about the business. That’s all for now.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 08:20h, 10 AprilI’m looking forward to hearing your findings Denny. I certainly think there is a lot of potential for functionality like this.
Jay Thompson
Posted at 14:33h, 11 AprilThere is clearly a demand for something like this.
Having had a little “sneak peek” at the product, and an email discussion with Sean. I can tell you that he clearly “gets it”.
Is better consumer access to Oregon foreclosure and REO’s on the way? « All Things Astoria
Posted at 14:14h, 12 April[…] 12, 2008 in real estateTags: astoria, foreclosures, reo A recent post that detailed the launch of a new foreclosure database that offered tons of detailed really caught […]
Foreclosure Radar Update | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 10:50h, 25 April[…] and the guys at were nice enough to let me try out their new product, Foreclosure Listing Exchange(FLX). I’ve had it on my site for about 2 weeks now and I’m beginning to get a good amount of […]
Dale Kirkland
Posted at 23:13h, 18 AugustThis is awesome, so now we’re just waiting until the American consumer gets some money to spend. But thanks for the heads up on this; I will check it out. Dale
Home Foreclosure Attorney
Posted at 06:51h, 16 OctoberDenny this was a great find… I was looking for some kind of update about this company and how they’re handling the recent home foreclosure crisis.. any thoughts?
Sandra Office Furniture
Posted at 02:32h, 09 OctoberThis is an awesome find and thanks for sharing cant wait to see your other finds. Keep up the great work Danny
everhome mortgage
Posted at 21:37h, 07 JuneThat’s really cool. I mean, I feel bad for the people dealing with foreclosure, but it works great for me, because I may be able to find an affordable house. I also found a site called and that’s been working great for me.
everhome mortgage
Posted at 04:37h, 08 JuneThat’s really cool. I mean, I feel bad for the people dealing with foreclosure, but it works great for me, because I may be able to find an affordable house. I also found a site called and that’s been working great for me.
Patrick Hake
Posted at 17:29h, 20 SeptemberThis website is still going strong and I check it weekly. What a great idea it was in 08 and by the looks of the growth it’s still going strong. Perhaps not a great sign of the economy, but the property hunters will find it useful.
dieta anului 2010
Posted at 19:51h, 03 JanuaryI was beeing looking the WWW for this information and just wanted to thank u for the post. BTW, just off topic, where can i get a version of this theme? – 10x
Las Vegas Foreclosures
Posted at 10:14h, 21 NovemberAmazing post! Very interesting and informative, thanks for sharing!