Free Advertising on Geek Estate for a Limited Time. First Come, First Serve.
You may have noticed some new ad modules on the site Sunday night.
We’re changing the way we charge for sponsorships. Instead of the larger one month sponsorships for one company we’ve done in the past, we will now provide 6 sponsors 100% share of voice across the entire site to reach this community of 15,000 tech savvy real estate professionals. 1 slot at $1,000 (header module) and 5 at $750 per month. If you want to be one of them, drop us a line.
The Best Part?
We’re not going to charge anyone for the new ad slots for the next 2 weeks. Send us a 180 x 150 ad creative (to drew at horizonapp co), and we’ll cycle them through. The sooner you send us creative, the more free advertising you’ll get. Go.
Note: I reserve the right to refuse to serve ads I don’t deem to be relevant to the Geek Estate audience or low quality products.
Posted at 10:35h, 13 AprilOffer still available?
Drew Meyers
Posted at 10:47h, 15 AprilNope..