There is a new indy brokerage in Seattle joining Geek Build II (an agent/broker website and marketing hackathon): Sea-Town Real Estate.

Their broker, Christian Harris, has been a longtime member of the Geek Estate Mastermind. We originally connected due to his brokerage’s focus on philanthropy and social good. Since he lives locally and has attended numerous of the monthly lunches I organize in town, he and I have gotten the chance to get to know each other fairly well.

I’m looking forward to working with him on his new RealSavvy website to help people find homes for sale in West Seattle.

The Initial Website:

What’s next?

We’ll report back with an outline for the first search engine marketing campaigns we’ll test for traffic acquisition.

Refresher for those who missed the program’s introduction

Geek Build II Participant Benefits:

  • 6 months of services in kind by RealSavvy ($349 per month)
  • A monthly marketing check-up.
  • Conversion/analytics/goals consulting.
  • The “ear”/”eyes” of RealSavvy’s executive team.
  • Marketing & strategy help.
  • Exposure with the Geek Estate community over the course of months, and backlinks.

Geek Build II Participant Requirements:

  • $500 in monthly ad spend to drive traffic (Facebook, Google or other traffic sources).
  • Content creation (or $$ to pay a freelance writer).
  • One blog post per month written & published on Geek Estate Blog detailing monthly results of traffic, leads, and conversions, as well as take-aways and goals for next month. You are free to re-post your monthly article on any other publication as well.

If you agree to participate, and stop putting money into SEM, you’ll be billed the regular monthly $349 payment from RealSavvy for the website, IDX, and CRM.