Geek Estate is Under "Re" Construction
If you’re thinking Geek Estate Blog looks a bit different than last time you checked it, don’t worry — the internet is not playing tricks on you. It is different. This site is indeed under construction, or “re”construction as we’ll call it.
There are two moving parts here leading to the temporary less-than-professional design you see now. First of all, we are adding a forum to this site as the first component of the new “Geek Estate Pro”. And unfortunately, the current Geek Estate theme is not compatible with the forum software we are using, the newly revised bbpress. Second, Jim and I have been planning a complete redesign on this site ever since I joined Virtual Results. Rather than spend design and development time making Geek Estate somewhat pretty now and awesome later, we’d rather spend the extra time on an amazingly awesome site and have it done “a little sooner than later”.
For the near term, we’ve moved to the TwentyTen theme with a slightly tweaked Geek Estate header. Not a pretty solution by any stretch of the imagination, but we’re purposely choosing to sacrifice the look and feel of this site for the short term in favor of adding the forum now. We want to give early adopters that have expressed interest a place to start discussing their ideas, sharing what they’ve learned, and asking questions of each other. If you haven’t signed up for a free 1 year subscription to Geek Estate Pro, go do so now.
At the top of the right sidebar, you’ll see an “Under Reconstruction” icon until the redesign is done. Thanks for your patience – and expect for some updates on the forum soon!
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