Geek Estate Mastermind Newsletter #39 – Turning Homeowners and Renters into Next Generation Real Estate Investors
It’s no secret historical rates of return for real estate beat virtually every investment category. I’ve been thinking a lot about a question I touched upon briefly in last week’s newsletter:
How does the industry get individuals to invest 10-15k into real estate, instead of bonds or the stock market like their parents did?
A few reasons: lack of capital (25k+), long time horizon, lack of liquidity, and social proof. One new incentive that’s coming: Opportunity Zones (read here and here for some background).
Greg Fischer dug into Overstock’s news, and exactly where they’re getting its listings from?
A couple of the curated articles referenced in last week’s Weekly Radar:
Lisa Renee writes about the history of her Civil War era farmhouse. Those who have been reading my writing for many years know there is a topic I’ve been thinking about for over a decade: the history of a home. Lisa’s portrayal is a great example of the incredibly rich historical stories that the right product could potentially surface.
A new substation would have cost over $1.2B and exacerbate known issues with the current grid system in New York City. So ConEdison spurred an initiative with large-scale developments to reduce demand through traditional means such as efficiency upgrades. But a large affordable housing complex in Brooklyn took the effort further by constructing a $4M microgrid with rooftop solar, natural gas fuel, and a battery system; which almost entirely meets the current needs of the 625 unit complex. Not only has the community’s power bill dropped with the new setup, but it can also operate independently from the grid in an emergency.
As a reminder, the purpose of the Geek Estate Mastermind is two fold:
- Curate the world’s most innovative and diverse community of real estate creatives, doers, and pioneers.
- Make our members wildly successful in their careers building real estate companies.
If you want to read the entire newsletter, and future weekly editions, please apply for a Mastermind membership below.
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