
GitHub is a place where hardcore geeks socialize, and non geeks never ever venture. What is it, exactly? From Crunchbase:

GitHub is a social network for programmers. Git is a distributed software management program created by Linus Torvalds, originally for the Linux Kernel Development. GitHub is a hosted Git repository. Github allows you to take part in collaboration by forking projects, sending and pulling requests, and monitoring development.

I realize this is a “geeky” audience, but not hardcore geeks to the point of actually writing code. But I’m wagering a guess, there are SOME people reading, who actually write code who read Geek Estate (if that’s NOT you, feel free to move on).

If you read this blog regularly and write code, then chances are good you already have a GitHub account. I’ve been playing around with GitHub more lately, as a result of setting up the Oh Hey World organization account (my GitHub profile here). During that process, I got to thinking — how do I find GitHub accounts for people working on real estate projects (so I can follow them and see what open source projects they might be contributing to)? I can search on GitHub by name, but that only works if I specifically know who I’m looking for.

There’s no solution to find GitHub screen names by industry. At least, not that I could find.

Since we happen to have this concept of a “community” page, I took the liberty of creating a “Git for Real Estate” community page. If the true geeks out there want to use it to discover each other, feel free. If not, that’s okay too.

Note: You’ll have to sign into Oh Hey World, check-in to a city, and THEN visit the “Git for Real Estate” community page. We’re working through the UI/UX/Design still. We’ll get there so it’s an intuitive flow…but we’re not there yet.