Giveback Homes + ReferralExchange = A Lot of Good Vibes
Am I a broken record yet about what a huge fan of Giveback Homes I am?I can’t speak highly enough of Blake and Caroline at Giveback Homes. I’ll keep beating the drum…
This week, they announced a new partnership with ReferralExchange:
current Giveback Homes member agents will receive a ReferralExchange submit license. ReferralExchange will also donate $100 for every closed agent-to-agent referral, up to $20,000. The goal is to raise enough money to host the build day in Sacramento and build 3 houses internationally. ReferralExchange will also sponsor one-year Giveback Homes memberships for a number of their top performing agents. Memberships provide Giveback Homes members with marketing services, branding, and an easy avenue to funnel donations directly to build projects around the world and in their local communities.
I was a fan of ReferralExchange before, now even more so. Job well done Lindsay, Myron, Scott, and team for partnering with an amazing organization working on bringing “giving back” into our industry in a big way.
PS: Use the discount code “geekestate” for $20 off your monthly membership to Giveback Homes. What a great deal, right? Go sign up.
Posted at 07:22h, 02 AugustJoined this morning, thanks for the heads up.
Drew Meyers
Posted at 09:23h, 02 AugustAwesome to hear it.