Google updated its Google Reader feed reader today yesterday.

One change I’ve been waiting for is the ability to drag-and-drop feeds into different folders. My feed reader list is pushing the 300 mark, and it’s vital (for me) to organize those feeds in some way. Now I can easily move feeds between folders, and even more helpful is that I can arrange feeds within a folder (formerly alphabetical order was your only option).

There has also been a “suggest a feed” feature added. (G calls it “Discover”). Google looks at your feed reading habits and offers up feeds it thinks you might be interested in.

TiVO tries to do this with television shows, and it’s never worked well for me — I shut that feature off on Day 3. But my initial pass through Google’s suggestions uncovered a couple of interesting new (to me) blogs. Just what I need, more blogs in the reader. This could be a way though to get more people exposed to your feed. I suppose only time will tell.

Details of the changes to Google Reader are here.

Important note! If you are like me and leave Reader up all the time, you’ll need to log out and then back in to see and use these new features.

If you’re not using a feed reader, then by all means, check out Google Reader!