My head spun when I saw this video. It shows how Dash GPS has begun to mashup open API’s from the web and putting them into GPS navigation devices. The video shows the users driving around Silicon Valley looking at home values from Zillow as they drive by homes.

If you’re a Realtor…YOU WANT THIS NOW!!! Even if you don’t agree with the “Zestimate” at least it gives you a price range and information you can use to tell your client while you’re driving around the neighborhood. You could quickly show them what other houses sold in the neighborhood and how long ago as you’re driving. Having that information at your fingertips is groundbreaking.

Once we see more home listings on Zillow and other places we will be able to see asking prices and listing data for listings as we drive by. Revolutionary? I think so. The only thing stopping this from happening right now is access to data.

The potential for GPS & Real Estate is enormous. Just look at what Google maps did for online real estate. GPS and the web will make our lives as Realtors so much easier. Don’t take my word for it. Watch the video and decide for yourself.