guest-blogging-importanceOver the last couple months, I’ve been getting a lot of requests to guest post (via this page). I guess that means Geek Estate is doing well since others are finding it and realizing there is an engaged audience here.

Yet I find myself turning down the vast majority of requests.


Mostly, it’s because those pitching haven’t done any research. So, I’m going to help by putting all the high level research needed in one spot.

If you are interested in guest blogging at Geek Estate — please start by reading this post.

Beyond that, here are a few things to think about…

  • I’m not a fan of ghost writing.
  • This blog is focused on real estate technology for industry professionals. If you don’t have real world real estate experience and learnings to share, this is the wrong outlet to pitch. How can you possibly help this audience do better, if you haven’t done anything within the industry yourself?
  • If you’re pitching a topic focused on home buyers or sellers (I get a lot of these), you’re virtually guaranteed to not get a response. If you spend 2 minutes reading past posts, you’ll know Geek Estate’s audience is NOT buyers / sellers — but tech savvy real estate professionals looking to grow their business.
  • I’m not opposed to vendors writing, but posts from them need to be written without pimping your own products or clients. You’re not going to get any text links within the body of the post unless you write at least 2-3 quality posts first.
  • Tell stories based on your own first hand experiences.

Hope that helps clarify a few things for potential guest bloggers.

[Graphic via]