The “Build it and they will come” mindset is of course completely false when it comes to software.

Building a great software product that real estate agents and brokerages love, is really freaking hard.

But that’s not the hardest part of building a real estate tech startup.

Sales is.

Once you have product market fit, it is still insanely expensive and time consuming to get distribution to customers within the real estate industry. It takes relationships with agents, brokerages, MLS executives, speakers, and consultants — all of which translates to a huge capital expense.

There are a few very large sales teams in this industry. You know which companies have them:, Zillow, and Trulia. And they do work. I have to imagine a decent chunk of BoomTown’s recent funding will go toward investing in sales.

I’m surprised a few smaller, newer start-ups have not banded together to build a sales team, and split the required capital expense. There may very well be valid reasons a sales team selling multiple products for multiple companies wouldn’t work; I’m not a sales executive who has run a large sales team to know. I do know there have been conversations about this over the past 5 years in various circles, some of which I’ve been apart of.

But it hasn’t happened. Given the capital required to build your own sales team, it seems worth trying? If you are a founder reading this, how do you think about the inevitable sales costs?