[Disclosure: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post. That said, HomeZada did not have any editorial say over this article; all opinions and words are my own.]


I mentioned HomeZada’s consumer launch recently. As some of you know, the concept of a digital repository for everything related to a specific home is one I’ve thought a lot about (see my deep dive from 2012 here).

HomeZada is one of the major players aiming to execute against that opportunity.

I recommend watching the following video for a high level understanding of their product, from a home owner’s perspective:

Of course, if you read this blog, in addition to being a home owners – you are also likely an agent or broker. Here’s a product overview from that angle:

I believe there is a massive, massive opportunity in front of HomeZada. Why? Because the product is one that fundamentally makes home owners lives easier, and provides a much simpler handoff of maintenance records from owners to buyers. I’ll share some more thoughts on the product later this month, but for now, you can…

[Disclosure: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post. That said, HomeZada did not have any editorial say over this post; all opinions and words are my own.]