[Disclosure: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post. That said, HomeZada did not have any editorial say over this article; all opinions and words are my own.]


I get pitched a lot of products. Many of them are just slightly revised versions of other tools or business models that have existed forever. Others aren’t trying to solve large problems. And still others are 100% pure lead generation plays (not interesting to me).

HomeZada is different. If you didn’t see my last post, it’s a home’s digital repository.

The Good

What are the core pain points for home owners their product offering addresses?

1. A digital record of everything related to your home, that’s actually organized and transferrable from one person to another (owner to buyer). My guess is the receipts for that last home improvement project you did, are stuffed in a vanilla envelop or filing cabinet. My guess is contact information for your plumber and carpenter are buried in your inbox or the bottom of a desk drawer. HomeZada lets you store all that information in one place, that is both findable and transferrable.

2. A complete inventory of everything in a home for insurance reasons. If your home were to be destroyed, it’s not surprise getting reimbursed from your insurance company is easier if you have a record of everything that it contained. After every natural disaster, HomeZada sees a spike in sign ups as home owners realize the value of having their home catalogued digitally in the unfortunate event a flood, earthquake, tornado, or fire hits their home.

3. To-do list & calendar for home maintenance tasks. No longer will you forget to clean the garbage disposal, check the propane once a month, or turn off your automatic sprinklers.

As an agent, wouldn’t it be great to hand your clients the (digital) keys to unlocking the complete history of their new home? Without sorting through mounds and mounds of paperwork. Surely, a HomeZada listing is exponentially more useful to a new home owner than a filing cabinet full of random paperwork. The reason you should be the one to populate it initially and transfer it to them? Simple. It will make their life as a new home owner easier. That’s called client friendliness, even if it costs you a few bucks and a bit of time.

The Bad – What can HomeZada do better?

Go mobile in a big, big, big way. The home maintenance checklist/calendar is certainly a feature that should be a mobile first/only offering. Home owners likely don’t need the whole home inventory functionality on their phone – but, that said, if given the choice consumers are increasingly likely to do everything on a phone.

Final Thoughts

I’ve spoken in depth with one of the co-founders, John. I’ve traded numerous emails with another co-founder Elizabeth. I’ve heard a few thoughts about them from others in the industry I trust. I like what I’ve heard, read, and learned so far. HomeZada is one of the few companies I’ve seen that is creating tremendous value for home owners and agents alike, and I see a massive long term business opportunity as a result. As everyone in the industry knows, there’s a massive fight for listings between Zillow, Realtor.com/ListHub, MLS’, brokers, and agents. If HomeZada adds the home owner into that equation by reaching them directly, they will have leverage as well as the most comprehensive dataset associated with their clients’ homes. Further, only 15% of their clients are outside the US, so clearly there is a big expansion opportunity abroad.

So yes, I’m bullish on their long term prospects. Looking forward to seeing their business grow.

Learn More

[Disclosure: HomeZada is sponsoring Geek Estate this month, and this is a sponsored post. That said, HomeZada did not have any editorial say over this post; all opinions and words are my own.]