HorizonIf you read this blog, you likely know I’ve been working on Horizon for the better part of a year. The starting point is Couchsurfing/AirBnB within your own trusted network; but the long term vision is trusted contacts by location. We may be crazy, but we believe Horizon is a product with potential to be on every single smartphone in the world.

We’re getting close with the product. We’ve been in private beta for more than a month — and some of you may have seen we went into public beta last week on Product Hunt. You may check the ensuing dialogue here (and add to it if you have commenting ability on PH).

As I’ve said, while not the core use case, Horizon can absolutely be used as a tool to more efficiently find trusted agents/brokers to refer clients moving to other locations.

For those who belong to Geek Estate’s Facebook group, you’ll see Geek Estate as an available filter inside the app (thank you to those members who tested the product early). I’ve also turned on the Inman Coast to Coast Facebook group so you can find other Connect members by location (this is Inman Connect week after all).

If you’re interested in playing with the app (iOS devices only), you may download the app from the Product Hunt landing page:

If there is a specific referral group inside Facebook that you’d like me to turn on inside our app, shoot me an email (drew at horizonapp co). Of course, if you are willing to share suggestions, criticism, or compliments – we’ll take anything and everything we can get.