Trying to figure out where to advertise listings on the Internet can be is a daunting task.  If you went to every website that displayed real estate listings and added just one listing to all of them, well, it’s not really possible.  With new listing sites appearing every day, it’s overwhelming to think that you have to add listings to every one.  No, that’s not needed.  There are site’s out there that make syndication easy for you, and best of all, they’re free.

As briefly mentioned in my previous post, Postlets, vFlyer, and ListHub are some sites that will syndicate your listings to a plethora of the more popular real estate listing websites.  If you have a Point2Agent site and add your listings, Point2 syndicates the listings just like the others.  (Note: Point2 sites are great for their price… FREE!  Although you can upgrade for some other great features.  Check out a test/training site I made in less than 30 minutes)

Syndication is important for a few different reasons.  The first being that it saves you time for the reasons mentioned above.  Enter your listing in one spot, and the rest is done for you.  I want to point something out to those that are with a Realogy brand company (Century 21, Coldwell Banker, ERA, Better Homes & Gardens and Sotheby’s) though.  This is done for you via the feed from corporate.  Syndication sites are below the corporate sites in the heirarchy set forth by third party real estate sites, so if the same property is featured on a syndication feed and a corporate feed, the corporate feed will win.  From what I understand, third party sites ranking of claiming listings work like this:

Agents Direct Claim > Brokers Direct Claim/Feed > Corporate Feed > Syndication sites

If you aren’t from a Realogy brand company and you’re unaware of your company sending feeds to the third party sites, Jump ahead of the others in your company and area by using the syndication sites.  If you’re a broker/owner, make your company stand out by creating an XML feed that the third party sites can access.

Other good reasons to syndicate listings are your listings are put in front of prospective buyers!  Screw the newspaper, you’re trying to get the listing sold.  There’s some stat out there where a lot of people use the Internet to search for their new home.  And it’s easy!  Very little technical skill needed.

Another way to advertise your listings: Blog about them.  Don’t just give property specs though, they can pull that from another site.  Write about the community and why someone would want to live there.

Okay, I hope you are ready to jump up and down that you’ve been waiting for me to shut up and let you go post your listings.  I’m done.

Now go to Postlets, vFlyer, Listhub… (all do the same, just personal preference on which one you choose).