iPhone vs BlackBerry — How They Compare from the Perspective of a Former BlackBerry Addict
I’ve been a BlackBerry addict for the last 5 years, but converted to the iPhone last week. Here is a video post with my thoughts on how the two devices compare after 5 days using the iPhone (talking to the camera was easier and quicker than writing a blog post).
Sorry for the low video quality.
Chad Huck
Posted at 17:44h, 25 AugustSpencer,
I agree with everything you say! I converted from my Blackberry a few weeks ago and thank God it’s sexy, otherwise I might not keep it. It is getting better though (or I’m just getting used to it). My battery life seems to be getting better… not sure if it’s the 2.0.2 update or what, but I can almost go a full day without a battery charge, as to when I first got it, it only last a few hours.
Bumpre - Real Estate
Posted at 09:59h, 26 AugustiPhone vs BlackBerry How They Compare from the Perspective of a Former BlackBerry Addict | GeekEstate Blog…
Check out this review of a former Real Estate Blackberry addict after he converted over to an iPhone – what’s your success been if you have converted? Or do you like the Blackberry better?…
iPhone 3G Fixes Coming This Friday | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 17:13h, 10 September[…] While we both love the iPhone overall, there are certainly cons. Two major negatives mentioned in his video comparing the iPhone to the Blackberry are that the iPhone can only (legally) be used on the AT&T network and the minimal battery […]
Posted at 11:02h, 16 SeptemberVery well explained Spencer! Thanks for that awesome summary.
I work in IT consulting and have lots of BlackBerry and iPhone experience from a support perspective. I’m surprised you didn’t mention BlackBerry crashing when you talked about how your iPhone crashes. I find both devices can occasionally go down. On the iPhone at least you don’t have to pull out the battery and put it back in again.
Also, have you noticed better performance since the 2.1 revision has come out? My iPhone is crashing a LOT less now.
In any case, thanks so much for an excellent review. My users often ask me to compare the two. I’m researching for a blog entry right now on choosing between iPhone and BlackBerry. Do you mind if I link to your video from my blog?
Spencer Rascoff
Posted at 10:45h, 17 SeptemberUpdate:
I downloaded the new software, and it has helped somewhat.
i’m now ok on the typing, but several apps still crash a lot
also, i find the contacts to be very slow — that’s still my biggest hangup.
The Buffham’s Test Site » Blog Archive » » iPhone 3G Fixes Coming This Friday
Posted at 22:09h, 18 September[…] While we both love the iPhone overall, there are certainly cons. Two major negatives mentioned in his video comparing the iPhone to the Blackberry are that the iPhone can only (legally) be used on the AT&T network and the minimal battery […]
A Quick and Easy Tool for Turning E-mail Signatures into Outlook Contacts | GeekEstate Blog
Posted at 17:18h, 28 October[…] you can utilize — Anagram 2.1. Today, I recorded a quick video post (here’s my prior iPhone vs BlackBerry comparison video post) explaining the concept with a short […]
Real Estate and Property » Blog Archive » A Quick and Easy Tool for Turning E-mail Signatures into Outlook Contacts
Posted at 03:48h, 02 November[…] utilize — Anagram 2.1. Today, I recorded a quick video post (here’s my 1st video post comparing the iPhone to the BlackBerry) explaining the concept with a short […]
Posted at 13:49h, 13 SeptemberSpence:
I know I'm alte to the party on this one, but I'm a long time BB user and was interested in your video comparing the two.
Anywhere I can find it, or did you hit delete on that baby?
Rob for Atlanta Real Estate
Posted at 10:48h, 23 OctoberIt is really sad that this video has been removed… Well I have bought iPhone before the week and now everything it is so interesting about this mobile. Well I am very pleased with this device now and I hope that I will not have any problems with iPhone in the future. Thanks for this post and I will be waiting for othre great articles from you!
Tom Mobson from iphone application development
Posted at 17:48h, 23 OctoberIt is really sad that this video has been removed… Well I have bought iPhone before the week and now everything it is so interesting about this mobile. Well I am very pleased with this device now and I hope that I will not have any problems with iPhone in the future. Thanks for this post and I will be waiting for othre great articles from you!
Tom Mobson from iphone application development
dieta personalizata
Posted at 22:24h, 03 JanuaryI have beeing scouring the google for this info and i wanted to thank u for the post. Also, just off topic, where can i find a copy of this theme? – 10x
Posted at 06:23h, 07 MarchWelcome to the iPhone world :). I think iPhone is simply cool device to have. Your video has been removed now. I would have really liked to watch your video. What was the major reason which made you think that you should move to iPhone from Blackberry?
Posted at 06:23h, 07 MarchWelcome to the iPhone world :). I think iPhone is simply cool device to have. Your video has been removed now. I would have really liked to watch your video. What was the major reason which made you think that you should move to iPhone from Blackberry?