3d postman with envelope and bagWe don’t really discuss email marketing much here, even though it’s the generally considered to be the most effective form of online marketing in existence.

When you open your inbox, there’s always the hope there will be something amazing awaiting you. That could be a client handed to you on a silver platter from a friend or colleague. It could be a note from a mentor with some great advice. It could be an update from your best friend halfway across the globe. It could be an invitation to an event. It could be a “yes” to a date request.

Or it could be a marketing message from a list you are on.

You just never know what you might get.

As an email marketer, how do you cut through the clutter? How do you deliver a message so great that your audience eagerly awaits your next message? Who from the Geek Estate community is successful in their email list building efforts?

Some questions…

For publishers:

  • How important is email marketing to your current business?
  • What is your open rate?
  • What is the definition of email marketing “success” to you?
  • Is your current email marketing just your blog content, repurposed for email?
  • Are you having conversations, and building a real community with your list?

For readers:

  • How do you determine which newsletters to read and which ones to delete (or “spam”)?
  • How many newsletters do you receive? How many do you read?
  • Do you read on mobile devices, or your desktop?
  • What brands/individuals deliver value with every email?

[Photo via http://www.smartinsights.com/]